Monday, June 27, 2011


I went up to the hospital yesterday. I was having really bad pains in my ovaries, and Dr K was worried I might have an ectopic pregnancy. I had to get a blood draw and US.

The US didn’t show anything really out of ordinary, or alarming. She could see some follicles in my ovaries, and she saw something in my uterus that she thinks could be the gestational sac. I am really hoping that is what it is, and that the little sac is growing and firmly attached to my uterus!

My hcg came back as 200! I was so nervous about that. I need it to keep rising! I am so nervous about losing this baby, but trying to stay positive.

Dr K said to watch for any spotting, and if things get worse pain wise, to call her. I have been having horrid cramps, but I think that is ok. I dread going to the bathroom because I am so scared I will see blood. I have been having a lot of discharge too, and that makes me feel like I have started bleeding.

I just want this first month to hurry by so we can get an US and see the little bug and heartbeat. That would help calm my nerves and ease my mind. I need the reassurance that everything is going ok, and will be ok. I don’t know what I would do if I lost this one. Please little bug, stick! Grow and thrive and be healthy!!

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