Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Broken Crotch

I know, I know, I’m a bad blogger. BUT in my defense, I don’t have a computer at home, just my iPad, which I can blog on but it’s not the easiest to type on, so I blog at work. Well, by the time I can actually sit and write a post I’m tired and its everything I can do to stay awake, and I normally don’t have the extra energy to type. Lame I know.
A lot seems to have been going on lately too. One of the bigger things though is my broken crotch. Technically it’s not broken, and technically it’s not my “crotch”, but that is the best way to describe it. More medically correct, my pubic bones/muscles aren’t really there after being pregnant 4 times, so this baby is sitting right in my pelvis and putting a lot of pressure on it. I have a pretty constant burning pain down yonder. Trying to roll in bed is out of the question, and if I walk too much, I’m out of commission for the rest of the day. PAIN. It really does feel like my crotch broke.
The pain is actually so bad that I went to the dr yesterday for it. Nothing they can do, of course, except suggest a support belt. So instead of buying myself a pair of cute maternity pants, I will be purchasing a support belt this weekend to help hold my tummy/baby off my pelvis. Good thing I am already pregnant cuz I’m sure once M sees me in it he won’t be able to keep his hands off me.
The dr checked heart rate while I was there, which was coming in strong at around 139. I am “officially” 28 weeks today, but was measuring 30… come on December (tax) baby! I also got to have an US because this baby just hasn’t been super active. Reason behind that is my fluid levels are a little on the high side, giving baby more room to swim around. And let its hair float around. Lots of hair swishing around. It looked to be almost shoulder length…. And if I’m going to be completely honest, that might be slightly creepy if it comes out with hair long enough for a pony… especially if it’s a boy….
I promise to try harder to blog more. With the holidays coming up too, there is always fun stuff to talk about! So don’t give up on me yet, I’ll be better :)

Friday, October 11, 2013

Human Pin Cushion

My 3 hour gestational test was on Monday, and I felt like I was a human pin cushion! Over 3 hours my blood was drawn 4 times. They tried to draw from different parts of my arm, but there are only so many spots you can do!
I had to fast for at least 12 hours before the test. Luckily my test was in the morning, so fasting wasn’t too hard considering I was sleeping most of it. No coffee in the morning killed me though! I had to have a fasting blood draw, then drink the glucose crap. They had a little area to wait between each draw. It reminded me of a living room, a couple couches and a TV. Then each hour they would come and take my blood. Luckily I was able to fall asleep while I waited so the time passed quickly. After the last draw, they pricked my finger and did the little monitor test to make sure my levels were low enough to go home. They also took my blood pressure and heart rate. Everything was good, so I ate my snack and then left.
Of course no one can tell you anything. I called my dr office later that day and they said the results were in but they would have to have a nurse tell me the results. No one called until the next day, so I had to wait in horrible anticipation. But, the wait was worth it, I passed! My levels were good at all the draws. Phew!
Even though my levels were fine, I still want to watch my sugar intake. Too many horrors with high sugar and missed diabetes. But I am so glad that I can enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas with pie. :)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Government and Politics... Fun

Politics are not my area of expertise. I am not one to get into debates about it, or normally even voice my opinion. With the government shutdown though, I thought I would put in my 2 cents for what they are worth. Agree, disagree, I don’t care. I don’t get too worked up over this subject.
I voted for Obama the first time around. I thought he was the better of the candidates running. Did I think he was amazing? No. I am more of a liberal person, but they never win anyways, so I voted for who I thought ranked slightly higher than the other and actually had a chance of winning. I didn’t vote this last election. I didn’t like any of the people running, and figured if Obama stayed in office, oh well, they all sucked equally.
I don’t feel the president can really do much. Sure every jumps down my throat at this moment with all the Obama care crap and stuff, but really, think about it. He puts an idea out there and the WHOLE house has to vote. If they think its good, it passes. If they don’t, it doesn’t. The president can’t just say this is what is going to happen and then it happens. If you want to blame the president then fine, blame him, but remember he has to have the majority of the people backing him, so I think they are just as responsible. If you want to see real changes in the government, all the seats should be re-elected every presidential election, not just the president.
The government is currently shut down right now. How does that affect me? Well, any other day that the government is up and running my day consists of: kids, family, coffee, food, FB, Twitter, email, games (man I sound lazy), errands, work, bills. Not necessarily in that order, but pretty much everything gets hit during the day at some point. Since the government has shut down my day consists of: kids, family, coffee, food, FB, Twitter, email, games (man I sound lazy), errands, work, bills. Yeah you didn’t miss anything. My day has not changed. As of right now, the government shutdown has not affected me at all. Gas prices did drop a little though… is that related? If so keep the government shutdown! And since I am being perfectly honest, and I don’t follow politics, government, etc, I had no idea it was even going to shutdown, or had for that matter. Until I finally got to my Twitter and all the news was about it.
Maybe I should care more about it all, maybe not. But this is me, what I think, what I feel. Everyone is entitled to their thoughts and beliefs and feelings. If you agree with me, great, if not, great.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Pregnancy brings many wonderful symptoms with it. Swelling of your entire body, not just belly, cravings, heightened senses, stuffy nose, constipation, and for me lately… headaches.
I wake in the morning and feel good, well as good as I can feel waking in the morning. About 30 minutes after getting up though, my headache starts. It then progresses from just a headache to full on migraine. I was in tears the other day because of the pain. The more I move around the worse it is, but unfortunately with having 2 kids already, I have to move, I can’t just sit on the couch and nurse my head.
My dr tried me on a prescription for the nausea that I was getting from the pain, but it didn’t do much for me. I went back in, talked to a nurse practitioner, and she sent me in a prescription for migraines that is safe to use during pregnancy. I am trying it now and hoping it works.
I have never been one to get headaches. I would get the occasional one when I didn’t get enough sleep, but it would last a day and then be gone. These things are horrible! You can’t do anything and they just hurt! Ugh, I am so over the headache thing. This new prescription better be the answer.
Did you get headaches during pregnancy? Do you get them all the time?

Friday, October 4, 2013


I failed my first glucose tolerance test. They want you in the 140’s, I was in the 160’s. I have never failed this test before! Now I have to go for the 3 hour test on Monday morning.
I am not looking forward to being poked every hour for 3 hours. I have horrible veins that roll, collapse, and burst easily. I can almost guarantee my arms and hands will be black and blue by Tuesday. I am PRAYING that I do not have gestational diabetes. I would go crazy!!! Plus, I have to be pregnant over Thanksgiving and Christmas. Tis the season to EAT!
This week/weekend I am trying to watch my sugar intake. Its been rough. I normally eat a lot candy while I am at work to keep me awake, and doing something, but I haven’t this week. Nor have I eaten the sweets at home like normal. I am doing ok with it, but I don’t want to make it a permanent thing! I am just hoping that this change for the week and weekend will help me pass the test on Monday.
Gestational diabetes is something that really scares me. My mom’s friend lost a baby full term because of undiagnosed gestational diabetes. She was scheduled for a c-section, went in and they decided to wait another day or two. Well, she went into labor before she went back, and when you go into labor, your body sends your baby an increase of sugar to give it energy to be born. The increase in sugar killed her baby.
That being said, if I do have gestational diabetes I want to know so I can take care of it. If I don’t have it, I think I will still try to watch my sugar intake since I did fail my first test regardless.
Have any of you had gestational diabetes? Or failed just the first test but passed the 3 hour test?