Saturday, July 28, 2012

Nursing Strike Hope

In my research on our nursing strike, I found a great article from the BabyCenter, and I think I have figured out why Miss L is on strike!

You know how I said that she was sick again? Well I took her to the Dr, and she has an ear infection. We got her started on a Z-Pak, but she is still a little sick right now. In this article, it says that a nursing strike could be because of ear infections!!! I am praying that as Miss L's infection clears up, she will want to nurse again.

I need to keep trying to get her to nurse, and do it when she is really sleepy, in hopes to get her back on though. I just feel so bad that she cries so much it makes me not want to even try.

I will keep you posted on how this goes! Wish me luck!!! :)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Nursing Strike

I know I said after my last round of mastitis that I was done nursing, but I haven't actually given it up yet. Miss L and I found a nice balance, nurse in the morning and at night, and bottle feed during the day. It has been going great and I was actually really enjoying breastfeeding. Until just recently.

I don't know what has changed, but Miss L WILL NOT LATCH. She screams and cries and if I can get her to latch, she breaks off right away. I have been enjoying our nursing sessions so much lately that I really don't want to stop, but I don't know what to do! My mom told me that I did the same thing when I was a baby and that she couldn't get me to nurse again. I am so worried that is the story with us.

So my project is to read everything I can on nursing strikes and try to get Miss L back on! And I guess if I can't, as sad as I am, we had a pretty good run of nursing lately.

Did your LO ever go on a nursing strike? Where you able to get back on track, or was that the end?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sick of Being Sick

Poor Miss L has been getting sick a lot lately. Just a couple weeks ago I took her to her Dr because she was so stuffed up and wasn't getting any better. They tested her for influenza and RSV, which came back negative (thank goodness!), and then sent us to the ER to get tested for whooping cough. Because of how contagious it is, they made L wear a little mask, but it was still huge on her! She looked so cute besides that fact that she was so sick :)

Luckily, the whooping cough was negative too.

But our poor baby girl is sick again right now. She is all stuffy, but doesn't have a temp, or seem to have anything else wrong with her. We can't figure out why she keeps getting like this. I am thinking maybe she has allergies? I really hope not because I know how miserable Papa and M are when their allergies kick in, but its the only thing I can think of. I would also rather allergies then something more serious. I am half tempted to take her and get her tested for whooping cough again, just to be safe. The epidemic of it isn't easy my mind at all!

Does you LO get sick a lot? How young can kids get allergies? Would you have your LO tested for whooping cough again just to be safe?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

4th of July!

A little late, but Happy 4th of July!!!!

I absolutely LOVE fireworks. I think they are one of the prettiest things ever. I have a really hard time spending money on them though because its like watching your money burst into colorful creations in the sky.  Very cool to watch, but very expensive :)

Pumpkin spent the 4th with Ex, so it was just M, Miss L and me. I had worked the night before, so I slept that morning. M and L spent the morning tinkering around the house, and when I got up we ran some errands and then went to dinner. On our way home we stopped and got a few fireworks to light off for Miss L's first 4th!

We thought that Miss L might get scared of the boom the big fireworks make, and that she wouldn't be able to track them moving so fast, so we got a few fountains for her. They are still beautiful, but not so scary, and Miss L was so into them!

We started them before dark since M had to work the next day
I wish Pumpkin would have been there with us, but next year will be a little more fun. Miss L will be able to walk, and M is going to take the day after off so we can really celebrate!

What did you do for the 4th?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

March Of Dimes

Before I get to far ahead of myself, I wanted to share something that is important to me.

Last month I participated in our local March Of Dimes walk. My friend K originally asked me to join her team. She was walking for her twin boys who were born at 27 wks. Of course I joined for her, but I also wanted to join and walk for Miss L.

Our team wasn't very big, but we raised the most money in our area! It made me kind of sad actually that not many people participated in this event. I think that more advertising needed to be done, maybe that would have been helpful, but I really don't know. I actually had someone say to me that they don't like to give money to things like this, but rather to children suffering from cancer etc. I understand that those stories tear at your heart strings, but I think that the things that parents (and babies) go through during complicated pregnancies, early delivery and such do too.

I want to urge you to check out your local March Of Dimes though. Even if you don't have a child that you lost, was born premature, or had complications, there are MANY babies and parents that go through it. Your support is so appreciated and very helpful.

Anyways, here are some pictures from our walk! Our team was named Mini Miracle Marchers, and we tie-dyed shirts :)

Me and Miss L before our walk

My Mini Miracle :)

Our team 1/2 way