Friday, August 30, 2013

Tonsils and Adnoids

Since Miss L was hospitalized in January with pneumonia and RSV, she has slept with us. Ugh. Not ideal, but it is the only way we can get any sleep. She wakes throughout the night, constantly, screaming and crying and the only way we can get her back to sleep is by comforting her with our touch or holding her. Trust me, we tried having her in her crib and just going in there to comfort her, but after about the 5th time of doing this, and it only being midnight, we get exhausted and bring her in bed with us. That way, when she cries we can pull her close to us and she falls back asleep and our sleep isn’t as interrupted.
We thought she would get better as time went on, but she hasn’t. Now, 8 months later, she is still in bed with us. So, being that I am a sleep tech, I did a study on her.

Sleeping angel

She failed. Sleep apnea goes by an AHI scale. Children her age should be at 0. Adults should be under 5. She was a 6. Normally, if kids/teenagers have sleep apnea, Dr B (who I work for) suggests tonsils and adenoids being removed. So I took Miss L to the Ear, Nose, and Throat place. The Dr was great, but is VERY hesitant on taking hers out. He normally doesn’t do them under the age of 2 as there is an increased risk of dehydration. If we were to precede with getting them out, it would be an inpatient surgery.
We are at a loss as what to do. We really need to get her sleeping well so she can start sleeping on her own again, especially with another baby on the way. She also just needs good sleep in general! But do we risk it at such a young age? Do we wait until she is 2? And if we do wait, what do we do about her sleep now?
Any suggestions?!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Name Game

I have never stated my kids’ names on here. I don’t know why really… I guess privacy. And to be perfectly honest, without getting into it too much, Pumpkin’s dad has a tendency to spy on me and try to use things against me, so I haven’t wanted to state his name at all. I guess it really wouldn’t be hard to figure out who I am by my pictures, but still!
Well, M and I are trying to figure out a girl name for this baby. We have a boy name picked, the one we would have used on Miss L if she were a boy. We are really struggling with a girl name though! I know we have a while to go, I am only 20 wks, but it would still be nice to have at least a concrete couple to pick from. We are still floundering.
There are names we like, but nothing we really love yet. And I am having a harder time because Miss L and Pumpkin have kind of unique names, so I feel this baby should also. So here you go, Miss L’s real name is Lyla. And Pumpkin is Kael. :)
M likes the name Lexie, and I don’t think it’s bad either, but it just doesn’t feel as unique as Miss L and Pumpkin’s names. I am a fan of Addison, Harper, and Regan, but he hasn’t felt the same. No name is out yet, but no name has really hit home. *sigh*
We decided the next step would be for each of us to come up with 5 names, throw them in a bucket and draw out 3. Those would be the 3 we have to choose from.
I like having 3 names to choose from, but since no names have seemed to be the one, it scares me to choose a name we don’t love! So please help. Give me some name ideas that are pretty and unique like my other kids’!!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Boycotting Drs

It seems that every time we take Miss L to the dr, there is something wrong. She had her “healthy” 18 month check today (wahoo, 18 months already?!). For the most part she is a healthy, happy, crazy, little diva who loves to play in the dirt, put on my makeup, and see just what and how high she can climb.
On the inside it’s a little different though. We have to watch her when she plays. If she is playing hard, or running, we have to watch to see if she stops at all to squat and catch her breath or rest for a min. Why? Because she has holes in her heart. And if she starts this kind of behavior, something isn’t going right and we get to take a trip to her heart dr sooner than we thought we needed.
Another odd thing Dr S heard today is a “murmur” in the vein in her neck. He typically hears them when they have heart murmur type A, but she has heart murmur type B (not technical terms, but the easiest way I can think to tell the difference between different heart murmurs!). He said he isn’t concerned about it, and it’s not even classified as an abnormality, but he will take note of it and make sure the her heart dr knows. Great. Something else “we don’t need to worry about” but still do.
And to top it off today, her iron level came back so low that Dr S is hoping it was a mistake on their machine. He ordered her a CBC though that I have to go get drawn tomorrow to check it again and all other blood components to make sure nothing is going on. We were hoping to get her adenoids and tonsils out soon though (have an appt with the ear, nose, throat ppl on Monday to discuss it). Dr S told me that if it is really that low, she will not be able to have any type of surgery anytime soon. She has really bad sleep apnea though and needs them taken out to see if it helps her.
I am just so tired of the constant worry with this little girl! I worry enough everyday watching her try to keep up with her brother, climbing up the ladder on the play set, going head first down her little slide, being an active kid with scraped knees and splinters in her hand, that I don’t want to have to add the worry that things aren’t going the way they should be on the inside.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Unwanted Baby

Don’t get me wrong, I want this baby, and M wants this baby (minus the crazy hormonal me that goes with it), but we seem to be the only ones that do.
When I got pregnant with Miss L our parents were so excited. They called and congratulated us, and hugged us when they saw us. They asked questions and stayed up to date. Everyone knew they were excited.
The news of this baby did not bring the same excitement though. I think part of it might have been because of our loss, and they were worried, but at 18 weeks, and everything looking good so far, I would think they would be somewhat excited.
No one asks questions. No one stays up to date. No one talks about it, ever. I have had one conversation with MIL and that was when I brought up the subject.
We have some really close friends that found out they were pregnant about a month after we did. A couple weekends ago we went boating with them and the in-laws. FIL was asking her about her pregnancy. I wanted to cry. He hasn’t said a SINGLE WORD to me about mine.
SIL even said the other day that she always forgets that I am pregnant. I have a little belly, so looking at me you can tell. The thing is though, no one talks about it!
I haven’t been asked how I am feeling. How the baby is doing. How our Dr appts are going. NOTHING. I feel that M and I are the only ones that even want this baby, or are excited about it.

(Sorry if formatting is funky. For the past couple weeks I can’t type in Blogger, so I had to type in Word and paste it over!)