Thursday, July 19, 2012

4th of July!

A little late, but Happy 4th of July!!!!

I absolutely LOVE fireworks. I think they are one of the prettiest things ever. I have a really hard time spending money on them though because its like watching your money burst into colorful creations in the sky.  Very cool to watch, but very expensive :)

Pumpkin spent the 4th with Ex, so it was just M, Miss L and me. I had worked the night before, so I slept that morning. M and L spent the morning tinkering around the house, and when I got up we ran some errands and then went to dinner. On our way home we stopped and got a few fireworks to light off for Miss L's first 4th!

We thought that Miss L might get scared of the boom the big fireworks make, and that she wouldn't be able to track them moving so fast, so we got a few fountains for her. They are still beautiful, but not so scary, and Miss L was so into them!

We started them before dark since M had to work the next day
I wish Pumpkin would have been there with us, but next year will be a little more fun. Miss L will be able to walk, and M is going to take the day after off so we can really celebrate!

What did you do for the 4th?

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