- Day 6: I am thankful for everyone that has supported my fundraiser for Baby Easton. It really kills me. People have no problem clicking "Share" or "Like" because they think this girl is pretty, or they would like to see that place. But when someone (me) posts something (a fundraiser for a very sick baby boy), no one contributes to it, "Shares" it, or even "Likes" it. Makes you realize what people are really about. So thank you to everyone that has donated, shared, liked, and spread the word about this fundraiser to help this precious child. And for those of you that would like another chance at it, here it is :) https://groddy.scentsy.us/Scentsy/Buy?partyId=106755194
Yes, this may be a little rant session, but I think its a good one! I have posted many times about this fundraiser here and on Facebook. Not many people have actually participated in this fundraiser, but I am so thankful for everyone that has. It means so much to me that others are willing to help out a family with a very sick baby. It also amazes me how people are so quick to click like and share on random, unimportant things, but not on something so life altering. Oddly, only 1 person (that lady actually putting this fundraiser on for me) liked this status, opposed to the 5+ other ppl that have liked every other one this month... And how could you not want to help out this precious boy?
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From his FB page |
- Day 7: I am thankful for my job. I love what I do, and I love that I get to spend the days with my kids.
I really do have the best job ever. First, its fun. I enjoy the work and the area of study. Second, I get to spend the days with my kids. I don't know what is better than that. Yes, night shifts are hard, but only a few nights a week is manageable.
- Day 8: I am thankful that my hubby spoils me and bought me my amazing SUV. I LOVE it and am so thankful that I have it to drive when the roads get nasty!
This last March M and I traded in my previous SUV, a Nissan Mirano, and got a Chevy Tahoe. I L-O-V-E it. Let me brag here for a minute. It is leather interior, heated seats, sunroof, 6-disc CD player, Bose speakers, DVD player with wireless headphones, 3rd row removable seats, tinted review mirror for the car's headlights behind you, tinted driver side mirror for the car's headlights behind you, defrost side mirrors, and has the turn signal on the mirrors. *sigh* It is A.Mazing. Picture anyone?!
Sorry I didn't get the very front in the pic! |
- Day 9: I am thankful for a warm, quiet, relaxing shower! They don't happen very often ;)
My mom stayed late watching the kids for me so I could actually enjoy a shower. It was so nice to not have to worry about what Pumpkin was doing, or what Miss L was eating or into. I forgot what it was like to stand in the shower in silence; no kids roaring like dinosaurs or crying and pulling on the shower curtain. Complete bliss.
- Day 10: I am thankful for coffee. I don't know how I would make it through normal day, let alone a day following a 12 hr night shift, with it!
Obviously I did not have enough coffee when I wrote this one! It should say *a normal day, and *without it! I live on coffee though. I know its a bad habit, but I am so addicted, and I have even gotten M addicted.
- Day 11: I am so thankful for our past and present service men and women. I can't thank them enough for what they have done and made possible for me to do. <3
I have a cousin in the Air Force and one in the Marines. They have both served during wars. I am so proud of them and love them very much. I think serving in the military, no matter what branch, is such an amazing and self-less thing to do. We would not be where we are, or the people we are, without these men and women.
- Day 12: I am thankful for SNOW!!! I just we would get more of it!
I LOVE the snow and winter. It has lightly snowed here a couple of times all ready, and I am so ready for more! I really hope we get a ton of snow this winter!
- Day 13: I am thankful for some "me" time and my BF that is letting me get it! ;)
I sure am getting spoiled lately! A quiet shower and some pampering time?! Friend K watched Miss L for me while I went and got my hair and eyebrows done. It was so nice to sit and relax! I have never gotten my eyebrows waxed before either, and to be honest, I will never do it again! While it was nice to get beautified like that, I would rather have kept the other 1/2 of my right eyebrow.
- Day 14: Thankful for good roads and safe travel today.
K and I took our friend J to Missoula today. It is about 2 hrs away from where we live. J had to go for some dr appts because the little boy (we found that out today!!!) she is having has a pretty serious heart defect, and the closest pediatric heart dr to us is in Missoula. He is actually the same dr that sees Miss L up here (he only comes up every so often and she had another appt down there with a different dr too). The roads were good and traveling went smooth. The appts didn't go to bad either. We got to learn the sex of the baby, and the diagnosis of the heart didn't get any worse. I actually thought that we she got some good news. We thought that once she delivered the baby (which will be in Seattle due to the hospitals), he would be taken over to Seattle Children's Hospital immediately for open heart surgery, but the dr said that it would probably be a day or 2 and she wouldn't have to be separated from her baby at all. So I am thankful for that also!
- Day 15: So thankful that I have a "vamp geek" friend to go to early showings of horribly good movies!
Yes, I am a Twilight fan. I have read all the books multiple times. And while the movies are embarrassingly-cheesy but still oh-so-amazing, friend K and I have gone to every midnight showing of them together. So this year was to be no exception, except that it is showing at 10 instead of midnight! We are actually such dorks that we made shirts and wore them to the 1st movie's release. We thought about doing it again for this last movie, but ran out of time. :) Here we are in our awesome shirts 4 years ago:
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That is me on the left and K on the right |
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We put one of each of our favorite quotes on our backs |
What other things are you thankful for? Any of the same things as me? Are you a vamp geek too?!
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