Friday, January 27, 2012


I was thinking about dates and birthdays and such the other day when I realized something kind of odd, but cool.

Pumpkin was due February 18, and came 9 days early on the 9th, the day before M's birthday. Peanut is due March 4, so if she came 9 days early like Pumpkin, she will be born on the 24th of February, the day before M's sister's birthday!

I feel like this little girl is going to come any day now, even though I know she won't cuz its still early. I am so ready for her though. If she doesn't make her appearance on her own before the the 29th though (another 9 in the number!), I will be getting induced. More on that later :)

Is there anything cool with the birthday dates in your family? 


  1. That is cool! I would like Peanut to be born on March 7th! ;)

  2. Oh gosh! I don't think I could wait that long!!!
