Thursday, August 7, 2014


LL and I have been nursing for 7 months strong now!!! I am so excited to have been able to do this for this long, and am really hoping that we can continue for up to a year. We have had a little issue arise lately though... tooth #2.

Can you see the little devil in there?

Luckily I didn't have a break down with this tooth like I did last time, but this one has definitely been giving me grief. LL has decided to start biting. And not just biting, but biting and then pulling my nipple through her sharp little razor teeth. To the point that she has actually made me bleed. Not fun for me, although she always gets this little smirk on her face after she does it like she thoroughly enjoyed it.

So to combat the biting, I thought maybe I should try to boost my supply. Maybe if she was getting a TON of milk at once, she wouldn't feel the need to mess around and wreck havoc on my nips. Awesomely enough, I work with a lady who used to own a bakery and she has a super good, super secret, milk cookie recipe that she very sweetly gave me! The best part of it was M's reaction when he saw it sitting on the counter... "You are making cookies out of your breastmilk?!" Yes honey, just trying to save us some money ;)

Miss L decided to be my cookie baking helper and we spent the afternoon whipping them up. Because the temp here has been insanely hot (think 90's), I stuck the dough in the fridge and waited until the next morning to bake them. Or what was left of them! The dough was so dang good that every time I walked by I grabbed a little bit! And man oh man, the cookies are even better, if that's actually possible. I wish I could share the recipe with you cuz they are so delicious, but sworn to secrecy over here :) So instead I will share a couple pics of my baking buddy and me.

To be honest, I can't really tell if my supply is up at all or not. When I am at work at night I am still pumping about the same amount, but considering that I haven't been nursing as often since we started solids, I would think that means my production is up a little... But I do know that our biting issue isn't as bad anymore! It may be the cookies, or maybe she has just realized that I am not chew toy, but I only get a couple nibbles out of her now. And I will gladly take the nibbles over vampire baby.


  1. Mya bit me a few times and man! Those little teeth are sharp!

    1. So I responded to this, but just now noticed it never posted! They are horribly sharp! Remind me of like fish teeth, or puppy teeth!!!

  2. Nursing for 7 months, thats Great!!! I've never had to deal with biting, thankfully! I'm sure its no fun.

    1. Thank you! I'm so excited we have been able to keep it up! Lucky you... They are like daggers!
