Friday, December 27, 2013

Mixed Emotions

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Mine was, and I promise to tell you all about it... later ;)

Sunday morning at 8 AM, I am supposed to go to the hospital to be induced. They will check the baby's lungs, which takes about an hour, and then start the induction process at 9 if the lungs come back good. I am having so many mixed emotions!

I am so excited to meet my baby.. and see what it is! I am excited to hold it and snuggle it and have it here finally. But I am also very sad. I will never get to be pregnant again. To feel the kicks, and even the pains that I complain about, of pregnancy. I know all pregnancies come to an end, but deciding to end ours on Sunday feels wrong somehow.

The reason we are planning an induction is because of my labor with Miss L. Too fast, too scary, don't want to go through that again. This way we can be prepared, have our kids with people, things taken care of, and not have to worry of delivering in the car! We could wait another week if we wanted, but that is pushing it, and the dr I want to do it isn't going to be on call.

So we are going with Sunday morning. I can't decide if I am more excited or sad yet, but I do know that it will be exciting to finally get to meet our little baby.

How did you feel on your last pregnancy? How did you handle knowing it was your last?

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