Thursday, February 13, 2014

6 Weeks Later

I haven't written since last year (heehee! I know its only been 6 weeks, but I couldn't pass the opportunity to say that), and a lot has happened!

First I will start with the birth of our little GIRL. Meet Lil' L

LL was born December 29, 2013 at 3:23 PM. She was 7 lbs 8 oz, 19 1/2". We arrived at the hospital at 7 or 8 AM (you would think I could remember!), and had the amniocentesis done. If you aren't familiar with that, they basically stick a long needle through your belly and into the placenta to draw out some amniotic fluid. They watch on US to make sure they don't poke baby, and that you don't start bleeding at the site after. The fluid is sent to the lab to check the maturity of the lungs to make sure they are developed enough to do the induction. Her's were great! At 10 AM the started the Pitocin.

Contractions started right away, but weren't horrible. Every 1/2 hour they turned the Pitocin up to increase the strength, length, and time of them. It didn't take long for them to get strong and painful, but I was powering through it. I played on my phone, tried to watch some football, walked the halls, bounced on the birthing ball, and had M put pressure on my lower back once the back labor started. By about 1:30 I couldn't take it any more. The pain was so intense and because of the Pitocin drip, I wasn't getting any relief between contractions. Anesthesiology was called and I prayed he would hurry cuz I was scared I would deliver SOON! He got there a little after 2, set up, and gave me an intrathecal and epidural at about 2:30/2:45. The epidural was more as a backup, but they figured I would deliver fast enough and wouldn't need it. And they were right! I only had to do 3 or 4 pushes and she was born!

I got really sick after the intrathecal though. I couldn't really breath and felt really weak. They thought that maybe some of the medicine went up instead of all going down like its supposed to, or that it was placed a little high. I had to be on oxygen, and at one point almost passed out. The nurse said I went completely pale, and thought that my blood pressure probably bottomed out. I felt slightly like I was high!

LL had a heartbeat and was breathing when she was born, but was pretty unresponsive. They gave her a little oxygen, and some drug to reserve the effects of the intrathecal just in case she was affected by it also. She still wasn't responding how they wanted her to though, so they took her to NICU, and she stayed there for 24 hours. Her breathing was stable the whole time but she made a lot of noise and effort to breathe, which they couldn't figure out.

I couldn't pee after delivery. I guess it can be a big deal, not sure why though, so they tried everything to get me to go. After 6 hours they came in to give me a catheter, and I finally went! Just in time! I also got a little sick and pale and dizzy at one point, and had to stay in bed for an hour before the nurse would even consider me going back to the NICU to see LL. That was one LONG hour.

We got discharged on the 31st and spent New Years at home as a family :)

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