Friday, June 15, 2012


Miss L is trying to roll over! She can only make it to her side right now, and only to her right side, but its a start. And it is so adorable to watch her!

Look how cute she looks! I can't wait (or actually I can since she is already growing too fast!) for her to make it to her belly. She isn't the biggest fan of tummy time right now though, so I think once she is able to make it all the way over, she might cry! It may help her like tummy time more though, fingers crossed for that.

When did your LO start to roll?


  1. Aw!

    I honestly can't remember hold old she was but I do remember when it happened. We had Saya laying on her back on the bed between us while we were watching football when we noticed she was rolling/swaying back and forth and then she turned completely around. It was the coolest thing. We put her on her back and she did it again. So thankful it happened in front of us ;)

    1. You are so lucky to get to see it happen! I hope we get to see Miss L go all the way!
