Thursday, September 11, 2014

T&A #2

Last week we took a little road trip to get Miss L's tonsils and adenoids removed. We had to go to the neighboring town because they have a pediatric specialist there.

Because we were from out of town and having surgery done, we were able to stay at the Ronald McDonald House. It was so nice to be able to stay somewhere for free since we had the cost of gas and food, and it was practically in the hospitals parking lot, which made everything easier. They had a yard and play set too, so the girls had some fun the night before.

We had to be at the hospital the next morning really early, and I took her back to get her prepped.

Seeing my little girl go into surgery though was much harder then I thought it would be. She cried and tried to get me as they walked her back despite the medicine they had given her to try to relax her. I smiled and told her it was ok and I loved her and would be back soon, but once she disappeared around the corner I bawled. And that hour during surgery drug by.

Because of her age and medical history, she was required to stay in the hospital for 24 hours, which I am so glad. Her recovery was a million times worse then Pumpkins. She refused to take the liquid Lortab because of the horrid taste, and then when we tried to give her Tylenol instead, she refused that thinking it was Lortab. They ended up having to give her Morphine in her IV.

The day after surgery she got a little energy up and went out and explored the hospital floor.

Since she was eating and drinking ok we got released that evening. I wish things would have continued to go well, but her pain was almost unmanageable. She refused all liquid meds so we had no choice but to do suppository Tylenol. Unfortunately it wasn't enough to take all the pain away, or keep it away long enough. We were in tears and almost headed to our ER. Luckily M remembered taking chewable Tylenol and Ibuprofen as a kid, so he went to the store and bought 3 jars of them! They have been our saving grace!

It has been a week since surgery now, and things are looking better. She is still in some pain, but not as much, and eating and drinking normally. We are really hoping and praying that this will help her with her sleep apnea and we will be able to get our bed back sometime in the near future!

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