Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sleep Regression

See those cute chubby cheeks? And adorable little mouth hung open? That is what a peacefully sleeping baby looks like. Unfortunately, if you want to see one of those around my house lately, you have to look at pictures. LL is tragically going through a 4 month sleep regression.

It started about 2 weeks ago. She used to sleep from around 9 PM until 5:30/6 AM, but lately she has been getting up every 2 hours, or more. M has been the one to the get the worst of it since I have been at work, but trust me, its not easy even when I am there! While I do have the advantage of just being able to pop out a boob and not have to wait for milk to thaw, it still sucks getting up so often. M has been feeding her every time she wakes in hopes that she will fall back asleep and stay sleeping, and the other night, she ate 17 oz!!! I'm thinking after about 8 or so oz she probably had a tummy ache and couldn't sleep!

I did a little internet research on the topic, and they say that around 4 months it is really common for a sleep regression to happen. It has to do with big developmental milestones and basically not being able to turn their minds off long enough to sleep. It totally makes sense too cuz a couple days ago, LL rolled over! She was on her belly doing some tummy time and rolled to her back!

Typically sleep regression lasts 2-6 weeks. I am praying that we are about done with it cuz I can't keep up with 17 oz of milk a night! I also don't know how many more sleepless nights M and I can handle. Once you get used to sleeping all night, getting up is the worst thing ever! If this continues on for another 4 weeks though... I don't even want to think of that, gives me anxiety! Instead I will stare longingly at this picture of my sleeping baby girl and dream of the day (night) that I can take another.

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