Thursday, June 13, 2013

Resolutions 4-6

I am still going strong with my New Year Resolutions. I will admit that I do struggle here and there to find something nice to do for others, but then I sit back, realize I am over thinking it, and things fall into my lap.

April in Montana usually consists of rain, sun, and snow. Its Montana. And this April was no exception. So one particularly snowy day, Pumpkin and I made some cookies and went to give them to the road construction people by our house. I told Pumpkin that even though the road construction gets annoying, they are just doing their jobs and we should thank them, especially when its cold and snowing. For some odd reason though, they decided to not work that day! That was ok because I gave Pumpkin some options of other people to give them to: the Policemen, Fireman, or the guys building the house a couple roads over from ours. He chose the builders. So we drove over there, I told them why we were giving them the cookies and went home.

May kind of fell into my hands. I was leaving the grocery store and loading my car when a younger guy came up to me and asked if I had a few bucks to spare because he had run out of gas. I don't know if he was lying or not, and I didn't have a few bucks, but he said he had a gas can, so I took it and got him $10 in gas. Not much, but enough to help a little. And if he was lying, he should feel bad!

June has been pretty hot so far. One particular day it was in the 80's, so Pumpkin and I decided to go through Starbucks drive-thru to get a frappe (me) and a chocolate milk (him). Next to the Starbucks was a man standing with a sign begging for money, work, etc. Normally I don't give these people anything. Mean, maybe, but I have my thoughts and feelings on it. Pumpkin saw him while we were waiting for our drinks though and started to ask questions about him. He then told me he would like to give him something. Like I said, I don't do this. But when a 5-year-old tells you he would like to, you can't say no. So when we got up to the window I asked the lady if I could get a bottle of water also. Pumpkin really wanted to give it to him, so I pulled up by him, Pumpkin rolled his window down, and handed him the water. The guy thanked him and seemed so happy to have a cool drink on such a hot day. The best part though, as we were driving away, Pumpkin told me how nice it was to help him and give him that water cuz he really needed it.

That is why I am doing this. To show my children, and others, that is nice to help and do kind things. Even if the people don't really need it and its totally random, it is nice to show people in the world that there are still good people around.

Have you done anything kind for no reason lately?

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