Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pumpkin VS Peanut

I have been comparing my two pregnancies since the day I found out I was pregnant. Part of the reason was just to see how they are the same or different, and the other part was to see if I could figure out what I was having. Let me just say though, wow, these pregnancies are way different!

I was tired with Pumpkin right in the beginning, lifting at 12 weeks. I only threw up maybe 2 times, otherwise I felt great. My hair grew nice, my nails were strong, and even though I broke out really bad in the beginning, my acne ended up clearing up. My tummy got a little hairy (but I'm kind of just hairy as it is!), and other than some crazy mood swings in the beginning, my hormones were pretty well in check.

So say my pregnancy with Peanut is different would be an understatement! Even at 20 wks I still randomly get sick and will throw up or otherwise it goes out the other end. My hair is stringy, still falling out actually, and my nails haven't really been growing. I'm still breaking out major, like huge ones, under the skin and all over my body, back, belly, neck, face, etc. My tummy is so hairy, I ended up shaving it the other day. While the hair on my head isn't growing so great, I am making up for it on my legs and... other parts. And poor M. I have been one crazy pregnant lady! My emotion and hormones are all over the place, and so unpredictable.

I don't know if my pregnancies are so different because they say that every pregnancy is different. I also don't know if they are different because of the father. Or, they could simply be so different because Pumpkin is a boy, and Peanut is a girl. :)