Thursday, June 18, 2015


We were attempting to wean Miss L off some of her meds, and had missed a couple doses of her inhaler. The sound of her gasping and wheezing woke us in the middle of the night. She was having her first official asthma attack.

I cannot even begin to explain the horrid sounds that your child make when they can't breathe. My blood ran cold and my heart stopped. 911 crossed my mind but I figured I could get her to the ER faster then waiting for them to come all the way out to our house and then back in, so I quickly threw on sweats, grabbed her and raced into town. By the time we got the ER she was breathing better, thank God, but I still had her checked out.

They gave her 2 nebulizer treatments and took x-rays of her chest. She had a little fluid in her lungs, but not enough to diagnose pneumonia and her since her oxygen levels remained high enough we were able to go home after a couple hours.

Miss L is continuing on her daily inhaler 2x a day and now has a rescue inhaler in case of another attack. I pray we never have to use it.

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