Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Teeth Are Worth HOW Much?!

Pumpkin is growing up so damn fast, and yesterday just really proved it. He lost his first tooth!

A while back he wrecked pretty good on a strider bike, and I thought that maybe he knocked it out then, but it hung on and wasn't even that loose. About a month, maybe... or so... ago it got loose. We have been trying to get him to wiggle it and get it to fall out, but he wasn't that interested in it falling out. He was super excited it was loose though! So yesterday at school he said he was pushing on it and heard it pop a couple times, and TA-DA! it fell out! His teacher put it in a little tooth necklace and he got a sticker staying he lost a tooth! I was so excited and proud, and sad that he is growing so fast.

Then came the debate on how much a tooth is worth. Growing up, our teeth weren't worth very much. I don't even know if I ever got a dollar for one! M thought about giving him a 10 though! Wow! Teeth have really gone up in price!!! Since this was his first tooth though, and he was so excited about it, we gave him $5. A lot, but the other ones won't be worth as much.

How much did you get for your teeth? How much do you plan on giving for teeth?


  1. Holy crap! 5$?! I think I only got $1 a tooth. We plan on giving Mya a 1$ gold coin per tooth. Does that mean we're the cheap parents??? ;)

    1. I'm with ya on the $1 per tooth! I about fell over when M said $10!!! I did make it pretty clear to Pumpkin that I didn't think the tooth fairy gave that much for every tooth, just the first ;)
