Wednesday, July 16, 2014


With turning 6 months, and getting a tooth (which I am still in denial about), came solid foods!

We started first with just some whole grain cereal... but only did that for like 2 days cuz it made LL really gassy. We switched to rice cereal after and that has been going great. LL now also gets bananas, peaches, and pears. She likes them best mixed with the rice cereal. If they aren't mixed she makes really funny faces!

LL wasn't really sure what to do the first couple times. She tried to nurse off the spoon and would get really frustrated when I would take it away to get more food. When I made the food a little more thick she did better. She actually "ate" it more then trying to suck it.

Getting ready!

Miss L decided to help me feed her the other night. I went down the hall to check on Pumpkin and came back to Miss L eating most of it and making a huge mess all over LL and her chair with the rest! So sweet that she wanted to help though :)

I still cannot believe that my little baby girl is 6 months old. It makes me so sad that time is going so fast.

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