Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Things My Son Says

It kills me. Pumpkin is only 4 (ok, closer to 5 but lets not push it) and the things that come out of his mouth really get me sometimes.

Everyone knows that there will be no more Twinkies. Well, we happen to have a box of chocolate filled Twinkies "stashed" away. By "stashed" I mean that they are open and some are gone, but the then box just got pushed to the back of my extremely organized pantry, and Pumpkin miraculously found them.

These are the bad boys for those of you wondering about the "chocolate" part (source)

Well, Pumpkin asked me if he could have one. I have no plans or intention to try and sell these things, plus our box is OPEN with some MISSING, but maybe for some crazy reason M would want to keep them. I really doubt it but maybe. So I told Pumpkin that we would have to wait to ask M when he got home from work because they don't make those anymore. What was Pumpkins reply? "Yeah, I heard about that on the news." You heard about that on the news?! How old did I say you were... 40?

Lately Pumpkin has been getting pretty annoyed with Miss L. It must have something to do with the fact that she is always slobbering on his books, eating his soldiers, and tipping over his car garage/ramp-thing. So Pumpkin sits down next to me the other day and says "its hard having a baby in the house". HAHAHA!!!! Yes honey, babies are hard. Good lesson learned early.

Tonight I was in the kitchen making dinner (gourmet tomato soup with grill cheese. I even took a string cheese and added some of that to the regular cheese. I should be a chef). M and Pumpkin were watching the news (!) and it was talking about the ice melting in Antarctica. I heard Pumpkin say "M. Does that mean all the polar bears and penguins are migrating?" I really don't know where he comes up with some of this stuff, but I LOVE it!

I am going to start writing it all down because I can't remember half of it, but it all blows my mind.

What funny/great things does your LO say?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Days between my last period and the start of this one. Don't get me wrong, I am not sad that period has started. While M and I aren't using any sort of real protection given the fact that our odds of getting pregnant are pretty darn low, we don't really want another baby right now. But 34 days? What happened to the "normal" 28? I should know better, I am not normal.

Even though I have 2 beautiful children, the sting of my body not working right hurts. The thought that if M and I do decide to have another child we will more than likely face issues again is hard to think about. Already I am not cycling the way a person is supposed to.

You hear so much about infertility before those people have babies, but never about it after. They have their baby, they are complete, and lived happily ever after. I wish. Yes, they finally have their baby, and their family is more complete, and they may live happily ever after, but what about all the in between? The issues that continue to happen? The cycles that never correct themselves? The pain that haunts you day to day? Knowing that more children may be a struggle is possible at all?

No, we are not trying, but this long stretch between periods made me sad. It brought back all those feelings from when we were trying.

Why can't my body just function? Why can't infertility just be cured by having a baby?!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

5 More

Continuing on with my days of thanks! The first 5 are here, and the next 10 are here if you missed them.

  • Day 16: Even with some bad news, I am still thankful. I am thankful that it is Friday, and the weekend starts tomorrow morning at 7 AM when I get off work! I think we need a relaxing weekend around here...
Well, 2 things happened. First, I signed a DT for my It Works! business. That was super exciting and I was so happy to finally get some action with it. Unfortunately, she canceled the next day. I don't really know why, but she said it had to do with running to many things. I guess she is a photographer.... and she runs her husband's website... or something... Not really sure, but none the less, she canceled. SO disappointing (If you are looking to make some extra money though, let me know :D!!!). Next, my FIL lost his job. He was delivery man for Sweetheart, which was hostess. So when the bakers went on strike, and Hostess closed down, he lost his job. My in-laws had been worried about this for quite awhile now considering that Hostess had filed bankruptcy twice already. I don't think you really know what to do or how to act when it actually happens though. Luckily my FIL is a very talented man and has some opportunties with friends to do jobs to make extra cash (he can do body work and paint cars, etc), and he can claim unemployment for quite a while. I think they will be OK, but it still really sucks. 

  • Day 17: I am thankful that I get to go home in 2 1/2 hrs and sleep for about 4!
Yep, I wrote this while at work, at 4:30 in the morning, when I was beyond ready to go home and sleep!

  • Day 18: Thankful for 9 months with our baby girl <3
I can't believe Miss L is already 9 months old. It has gone so crazy fast. There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not in awe of her. How far she has come, the things she can do, how much she has totally stolen all of our hearts. I am so thankful for that time with her. 

  • Day 19: Thankful for a weekend of wins! Bobcats and Packers!!!
We have 2 main college football teams here in Montana, the Grizzlies and the Bobcats. Once a year they play each other. Its a huge rivalry football game, and people get REALLY into it. I am a Bobcat fan. To be honest, normally the Bobcats lose, but this year, they pulled off a win for the second year in a row! WOOHOO!!! Also, my family is a BIG HUGE ENORMOUS GINORMOUS Packer fan. My sisters and I were born into it, my dad has been a fan since he was 6 years old. We bleed green and gold. The season this year has been a little rough, especially considering how we did last year. Sunday's game was a close one, but the Packers were able to secure the W. AAAHHHH, such a great way to end the weekend. 

  • Day 20: Thankful for a good 9 month checkup!
Miss L had her 9 month checkup (which I wrote about in my last post), and it all went really well. Its so nice when you go to the dr and don't have bad things to discuss! Simple and boring works for me :) 

I'm ready for the next 10 thankful days! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

9 Months

It is so hard to believe that Miss L has been "out" as long as she was "in"! I swear this time has gone way faster!

To celebrate her big milestone birthday, we got her ears pierced! Please don't criticize. We wanted to do it while she is a baby for a few reasons. One, she won't remember. Two, she won't mess with them. Three, they are less likely to get infected because of the lack of hair products and I am in control of making sure they get cleaned regularly. It wasn't a super easy thing to do though. I almost had a panic attack and thought about leaving. I didn't want to see her cry or hurt at all, and it killed me knowing I was doing it. But, we did it! She looks so darling with her little diamond studs! She cried some, but they don't seem to bother her at all anymore. She hasn't touched them once and she was more interested in the bottle of cleaning solution than me cleaning them. They aren't red or anything either, so that is good. She had her 9 month check up today too, and her dr looked at them and said they looked good. That made me feel better. :)

First ear (it killed me holding her head still!)

Second ear (through the tears :( )

Trying to distract her with a sucker

Pretty little earrings!

Like I said, we had Miss L's 9 month check up today. Everything went really well, which was so nice. She is just shy of being in the 25th percentile for length, and is in the 25th percentile for weight. She got her iron levels checked, and didn't make a peep when they poked her. She is a tough cookie now after her ears! I talked to Dr S about her rice cereal and my thoughts on a rice allergy. He said that is possible, and it doesn't mean she will be allergic forever. He also said there aren't any other foods to be cautious of, other than rice based ones of course :). I declined the flu vaccine at this visit, and will not be vaccinating either Pumpkin or Miss L for it. I feel very strongly about NOT getting the flu shot, so my family will steer clear and advise everyone else to do to the same.

She is to get her chicken pox vaccine and TB test done at 1 year. I will decline the chicken pox one for sure, and am questioning about decline TB also... I will let you know when I decide and why!

Other than that, there really wasn't much exciting at her appt. To be honest, its nice to have boring appts :)

Did you get your LO's ears pierced young? Did/do you decline any shots/vaccines/tests?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Next 10

Every day on Facebook I have been writing what I am thankful for. I told you my first 5 here, and now for my next 10.

  • Day 6: I am thankful for everyone that has supported my fundraiser for Baby Easton. It really kills me. People have no problem clicking "Share" or "Like" because they think this girl is pretty, or they would like to see that place. But when someone (me) posts something (a fundraiser for a very sick baby boy), no one contributes to it, "Shares" it, or even "Likes" it. Makes you realize what people are really about. So thank you to everyone that has donated, shared, liked, and spread the word about this fundraiser to help this precious child. And for those of you that would like another chance at it, here it is :)
Yes, this may be a little rant session, but I think its a good one! I have posted many times about this fundraiser here and on Facebook. Not many people have actually participated in this fundraiser, but I am so thankful for everyone that has. It means so much to me that others are willing to help out a family with a very sick baby. It also amazes me how people are so quick to click like and share on random, unimportant things, but not on something so life altering. Oddly, only 1 person (that lady actually putting this fundraiser on for me) liked this status, opposed to the 5+ other ppl that have liked every other one this month... And how could you not want to help out this precious boy?

From his FB page

  • Day 7: I am thankful for my job. I love what I do, and I love that I get to spend the days with my kids. 
I really do have the best job ever. First, its fun. I enjoy the work and the area of study. Second, I get to spend the days with my kids. I don't know what is better than that. Yes, night shifts are hard, but only a few nights a week is manageable.

  • Day 8: I am thankful that my hubby spoils me and bought me my amazing SUV. I LOVE it and am so thankful that I have it to drive when the roads get nasty!
This last March M and I traded in my previous SUV, a Nissan Mirano, and got a Chevy Tahoe. I L-O-V-E it. Let me brag here for a minute. It is leather interior, heated seats, sunroof, 6-disc CD player, Bose speakers, DVD player with wireless headphones, 3rd row removable seats, tinted review mirror for the car's headlights behind you, tinted driver side mirror for the car's headlights behind you, defrost side mirrors, and has the turn signal on the mirrors. *sigh* It is A.Mazing. Picture anyone?!

Sorry I didn't get the very front in the pic!

  • Day 9: I am thankful for a warm, quiet, relaxing shower! They don't happen very often ;)
My mom stayed late watching the kids for me so I could actually enjoy a shower. It was so nice to not have to worry about what Pumpkin was doing, or what Miss L was eating or into. I forgot what it was like to stand in the shower in silence; no kids roaring like dinosaurs or crying and pulling on the shower curtain. Complete bliss.

  • Day 10: I am thankful for coffee. I don't know how I would make it through normal day, let alone a day following a 12 hr night shift, with it!
Obviously I did not have enough coffee when I wrote this one! It should say *a normal day, and *without it! I live on coffee though. I know its a bad habit, but I am so addicted, and I have even gotten M addicted.

  • Day 11: I am so thankful for our past and present service men and women. I can't thank them enough for what they have done and made possible for me to do. <3
I  have a cousin in the Air Force and one in the Marines. They have both served during wars. I am so proud of them and love them very much. I think serving in the military, no matter what branch, is such an amazing and self-less thing to do. We would not be where we are, or the people we are, without these men and women.

  • Day 12: I am thankful for SNOW!!! I just we would get more of it!
I LOVE the snow and winter. It has lightly snowed here a couple of times all ready, and I am so ready for more! I really hope we get a ton of snow this winter!

  • Day 13: I am thankful for some "me" time and my BF that is letting me get it! ;)
I sure am getting spoiled lately! A quiet shower and some pampering time?! Friend K watched Miss L for me while I went and got my hair and eyebrows done. It was so nice to sit and relax! I have never gotten my eyebrows waxed before either, and to be honest, I will never do it again! While it was nice to get beautified like that, I would rather have kept the other 1/2 of my right eyebrow.

  • Day 14: Thankful for good roads and safe travel today.
K and I took our friend J to Missoula today. It is about 2 hrs away from where we live. J had to go for some dr appts because the little boy (we found that out today!!!) she is having has a pretty serious heart defect, and the closest pediatric heart dr to us is in Missoula. He is actually the same dr that sees Miss L up here (he only comes up every so often and she had another appt down there with a different dr too). The roads were good and traveling went smooth. The appts didn't go to bad either. We got to learn the sex of the baby, and the diagnosis of the heart didn't get any worse. I actually thought that we she got some good news. We thought that once she delivered the baby (which will be in Seattle due to the hospitals), he would be taken over to Seattle Children's Hospital immediately for open heart surgery, but the dr said that it would probably be a day or 2 and she wouldn't have to be separated from her baby at all. So I am thankful for that also!

  • Day 15: So thankful that I have a "vamp geek" friend to go to early showings of horribly good movies!
Yes, I am a Twilight fan. I have read all the books multiple times. And while the movies are embarrassingly-cheesy but still oh-so-amazing, friend K and I have gone to every midnight showing of them together. So this year was to be no exception, except that it is showing at 10 instead of midnight! We are actually such dorks that we made shirts and wore them to the 1st movie's release. We thought about doing it again for this last movie, but ran out of time. :) Here we are in our awesome shirts 4 years ago:

That is me on the left and K on the right

We put one of each of our favorite quotes on our backs

What other things are you thankful for? Any of the same things as me? Are you a vamp geek too?!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dr's? Who Needs A Dr?

Not me when it comes to Miss L! Well, that is when it comes to Miss L's pooping problems I talked about earlier.

We had talked to the dr about her possibly being lactose intolerant  I also new that she was having issues with fruits. We stopped all foods other than rice cereal and only gave her soy formula. Unfortunately, this did not help. She continued to have loose diapers, and her bottom still blistered and bled. So I decided to take things into my own hands.

I get really sick of going up to the dr for everything. Granted, most things need to be brought to the dr's attention, but I figured we had been there enough for this certain issue and nothing was getting better. My friend K and I brainstormed everything we could think of that could be causing Miss L to have digestive issues. Since I had already changed everything in her diet except the rice cereal, we thought that was the next thing to do. I bought some oatmeal cereal, and low and behold, no diarrhea!

Picture edited by me :)

Miss L has an allergy to her rice cereal. I had never heard of this but I knew that Google had. This was the best article I found in my quick rice cereal allergy search. What I gathered was that there is a protein in the rice that causes the reaction. I had to look more into what FPIES was. I found that one of the symptoms is diarrhea, and that Miss L had!I don't believe she had full on FPIES since she did not require ER care or an IV, and she didn't projectile vomit everywhere. I do feel certain that she has an intolerance to that certain rice protein though.

We have Miss L's 9 month (already?!) checkup next week, so I am going to talk to Dr S more about this rice cereal intolerance. I am very happy that she has been able to get back to eating, and even more foods than before, and has not had any diarrhea since starting the oatmeal cereal.

Does your LO have an odd allergy or intolerance to something? Where you able to use rice cereal or did you use a different kind?

Friday, November 9, 2012

A New Adventure

A little while back, like 2 months ago I guess now..., I took on a new adventure. I became an Independent Distributor for It Works! After talking to M about this, I decided to join my gf's team. We were hoping that I would be able to make just a little bit more money to help out with some of our bills. Or maybe give me a little shopping money!

For those of you that have never heard of It Works!, you are missing out! These amazing body wraps tighten, tone, and firm your skin. You can wrap your legs, butt, back, belly, arms, neck, and even face! They help reduce the look of cellulite and stretch marks too!!! It is NOT water weight that you lose, and the results will actually last.

Not only are there the wraps to use, but many supplements that can be purchased. There is a defining gel that works much like the wraps, and you can use it everyday. This product has become one of my favorites and I used it every time I get out of the shower before I get dressed. It is A-MAZING.

My other favorite product is Greens. You add 2 scoops to your drink of choice (water, juice, power-aid, etc), and it is equal to 8 servings of fruits and veggies! How simple is that?! AND its less then $1 a day!!! The reason I really love the Greens is because I give them to Pumpkin. It is such a good feeling knowing that even if I can't make sure he gets all the servings of fruits and veggies in a day that he needs, I can give him these and he's covered. The best part? He doesn't even know I put it in his juice! My parents have started using them also and swear by them. They are now buying extras each month and sending them to my sisters!

I am not trying to sell you on anything here, or make you join up with me (although I am offering a pretty sweet deal right now if you are interested ;) ), but I am really excited about this new adventure in my life. I am hoping that I can make some extra money and be able to help out with a few more bills, or boots that really need to be bought. 

Have you started a new adventure lately? Have you ever heard of It Works!? Are you interested....? ;)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The First 5

For the month of November, I have joined the band wagon of posting what I am thankful for each day. Since not everyone is friends with me on FB, I will share them here too with a little more elaboration.

  • Day 1: I am so thankful for my healthy children.

Although Miss L has had her battles, both my children are at home with us. They have all their fingers and toes, can move and talk (or babble), and breath on their own. I can hold and hug them, and we can cuddle and play. That is something to be very thankful for. 

  • Day 2: I am so thankful for my loving and caring husband.
We definitely have our issues, but I do love my husband and he loves me. He works hard to provide for us, and I couldn't ask for more.

  • Day 3: I am thankful for my mom. It is unbelievable how much she does for me and never asks for anything in return. She loves me even knowing all my faults. She is my best friend and I am so thankful for that. <3
My mom helps us out so extremely much. She watches the kids for me during the day so I can get a couple hours of sleep. She helps me out with anything I need at any time, without any questions. Our relationship got kind of rocky during my high school and college years, but we have gotten really close again, and I am so glad. She really is my best friend.

  • Day 4: I am thankful for God's amazing timing. One example: Had we waited 30 more minutes to go to the hospital to have our baby girl, she would not be with us today. <3
God really is in control, and really does know what is best. I wasn't going to call Dr K, but something made me do it. Had I not made the call when I did, we may not have little Miss L. If the timing didn't work out just right, she would not have made it due to the fact that she was not breathing, and could not breath. God is amazing. Everything he does is amazing. 

  • Day 5: I am thankful that my hubby filled his tags this year. The meat helps out so much throughout the year. Now I hope to fill mine ;)
My dad and M went hunting this year and M was able to shoot his buck and doe. I am so glad that he did. We take all the meat from our game and make hamburger, sausage, brats, pepperoni sticks, jerky, etc with it. That is the meat we live off of for the year. It is a true blessing when my dad, M, and I can all fill our tags. That means LOTS of meat for the year! But even if we can't, just a few animals help out a ton. So I am so thankful that M filled his tags. That meat will not go to waste.

Did you join the FB trend this year? What are some things you are thankful for?