I'm pretty excited about this! I won an ad space on a blog that I follow!!!!!! I feel so official and slightly unworthy!
Go check out the blog here and see my little ad on the side ;)
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Its Not Christmas Until Somebody Gets Hurt
Christmas has come and again, again, way too quickly. I remember last year thinking "wow, Christmas is already over. It won't be long until its here again though". Oh how I was so right. It really seemed to have come early this year.
Our Christmas was pretty nice and laid back. M worked Christmas Eve for a half day, then we went to my in-laws to hang out and open presents. After that we drove around town looking at Christmas lights and decorations. There was one house that synced his lights to music, pretty awesome and way over anything M and I could pull off.
We had to stop and get some milk at the gas station for Santa. Pumpkin said he had to have milk, but if the gas station didn't have any we could write him a letter and ask him if orange juice would be ok. I love that little guy!
Then it was home and off to bed for the kiddos and a little more present wrapping for me, despite having stayed up until 1 in the morning the night before! The joys of being Santa :)
We woke Pumpkin up at about 7 the next morning telling him Santa had come. We had to get him up because my parents were coming over and his dad was going to be picking him up at 10. It took him a minute to comprehend, but then he was up and so excited!
He had a blast opening presents, and Miss L had a blast eating the paper.
After presents were done we hung around the house for a bit then headed to my parents'. My mom made a ham, and I was supposed to make the mashed potatoes. Well, I went to drain the boiling water the potatoes were in, and dumped it on my hand. I sat in the kitchen trying my damnedest to not cry and telling myself the burning would stop in just a second. That didn't work. Tears escaped and my mom walked by just at that moment. She saw the way I was holding my hand and come running in. Immediately she cleaned the potato water off my hand and put burn cream on my palm. I am so glad she got the cream on my palm, it really saved it. Today my palm feels fine, just a little different texture from the rest of my hand. Unfortunately my thumb and ring finger got it pretty bad. They are still burning with pain and bright red. I have had to have them smothered in burn cream today and wrapped up to keep from bumping them.
Other than getting hurt, Christmas was really nice! It was so nice to get to be with family and just relax and have fun. I love having time with M, and wish we had the whole week off.
How was your Christmas? Did anyone get hurt?!
Our Christmas was pretty nice and laid back. M worked Christmas Eve for a half day, then we went to my in-laws to hang out and open presents. After that we drove around town looking at Christmas lights and decorations. There was one house that synced his lights to music, pretty awesome and way over anything M and I could pull off.
We had to stop and get some milk at the gas station for Santa. Pumpkin said he had to have milk, but if the gas station didn't have any we could write him a letter and ask him if orange juice would be ok. I love that little guy!
Then it was home and off to bed for the kiddos and a little more present wrapping for me, despite having stayed up until 1 in the morning the night before! The joys of being Santa :)
We woke Pumpkin up at about 7 the next morning telling him Santa had come. We had to get him up because my parents were coming over and his dad was going to be picking him up at 10. It took him a minute to comprehend, but then he was up and so excited!
He had a blast opening presents, and Miss L had a blast eating the paper.
Pretty Christmas dress! |
Christmas morning |
Opening presents (yes, I know I look scary) |
Pumpkin opening presents, Miss L eating them |
After presents were done we hung around the house for a bit then headed to my parents'. My mom made a ham, and I was supposed to make the mashed potatoes. Well, I went to drain the boiling water the potatoes were in, and dumped it on my hand. I sat in the kitchen trying my damnedest to not cry and telling myself the burning would stop in just a second. That didn't work. Tears escaped and my mom walked by just at that moment. She saw the way I was holding my hand and come running in. Immediately she cleaned the potato water off my hand and put burn cream on my palm. I am so glad she got the cream on my palm, it really saved it. Today my palm feels fine, just a little different texture from the rest of my hand. Unfortunately my thumb and ring finger got it pretty bad. They are still burning with pain and bright red. I have had to have them smothered in burn cream today and wrapped up to keep from bumping them.
Other than getting hurt, Christmas was really nice! It was so nice to get to be with family and just relax and have fun. I love having time with M, and wish we had the whole week off.
How was your Christmas? Did anyone get hurt?!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
I grew up believing in Santa Claus. Every year I would crawl into bed on Christmas Eve and toss and turn, straining to hear the tiniest little footstep on the roof, or the creak of the fireplace door opening. I would try so hard to keep my eyes open to hopefully catch a glimpse of red passing my bedroom door. Sleep would eventually take over me before any of these things happened, and when I would wake up (way too early!), I would see that Santa had come once again.
The joy and excitement I got from the magic of Santa is something I want my kids to be able to experience. (To be completely honest, I have whispered in their infant ears that I really am Santa but will let them believe otherwise until they finally figure it out, hopefully not for many years though!) I don't see anything wrong with "lying" to my children to fuel their imagination in the this area of life, and have actually thought of ways to skirt the subject, such as "what do you think? do you believe he's real?". I have never held a grudge against my parents for "lying" to me, or questioned what other things they may have lied about. I was thankful that they let me believe and enjoy this childish thing. Childhood goes by way too fast. Children grow and mature so quickly. Why rob them of these innocent traditions? What harm does Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, etc cause? Especially when the real reasons we celebrate are taught and known.
Christmas is about Jesus in our family. It is about giving rather than receiving. It is not centered around Santa and his reindeer or presents. But it is a part of the holiday tradition for us. A friend on FB posted that someone told her 6 yr old daughter that Santa wasn't real. Here is one of the responses she got:
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Source |
The joy and excitement I got from the magic of Santa is something I want my kids to be able to experience. (To be completely honest, I have whispered in their infant ears that I really am Santa but will let them believe otherwise until they finally figure it out, hopefully not for many years though!) I don't see anything wrong with "lying" to my children to fuel their imagination in the this area of life, and have actually thought of ways to skirt the subject, such as "what do you think? do you believe he's real?". I have never held a grudge against my parents for "lying" to me, or questioned what other things they may have lied about. I was thankful that they let me believe and enjoy this childish thing. Childhood goes by way too fast. Children grow and mature so quickly. Why rob them of these innocent traditions? What harm does Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, etc cause? Especially when the real reasons we celebrate are taught and known.
Christmas is about Jesus in our family. It is about giving rather than receiving. It is not centered around Santa and his reindeer or presents. But it is a part of the holiday tradition for us. A friend on FB posted that someone told her 6 yr old daughter that Santa wasn't real. Here is one of the responses she got:
There was a real man, Saint Nicolas, who placed $, food and toys in the home of a family that needed help. His deed became known and the legend was born. Based on Saint Nicolas, we teach our kiddos that Santa was real once and lived to honor Jesus and we enjoy knowing that the memory of what he did continues in the story of Santa. They still "believe" in Santa and our oldest is 10:) santas magic is not lost here
I love that Santa "lived to honor Jesus". How he helped out families in need. Santa doesn't have to be made into something else. Someone who only brings presents to good boys and girls, but rather someone who helps others. Shows his love for others through giving. Hence the reason we buy each other gifts.
I hope my children both believe in Santa for many years. And if your child is the one in class that doesn't believe, make sure they keep their mouth shut!
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We got to eat breakfast with Santa at his workshop! |
Did you believe in Santa? Will your children?
Monday, December 17, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Guys vs Girls
I want to start by saying that I love M very much. He is wonderful guy and makes me so happy. He is a great father, and helps out so much. I am so lucky to have him and wouldn't want anyone else to share my life with.
Ok, that being said, I'm going to tell you the differences between us, and from what I've heard, the differences between most guys and girls.
1) A cold hit our house pretty hard this last week. I got sick on Tuesday, and almost had it shaken on Sunday,, when M came down with it. He called in on Monday just to try to get rid of it all the way. When he's sick:
Ok, that being said, I'm going to tell you the differences between us, and from what I've heard, the differences between most guys and girls.
1) A cold hit our house pretty hard this last week. I got sick on Tuesday, and almost had it shaken on Sunday,, when M came down with it. He called in on Monday just to try to get rid of it all the way. When he's sick:
- Everyone tiptoes around the house so he can nap on the couch in the living room
- He can't help with the kids AT ALL
- I try to make him some soup or some equivalent, but the only thing he can eat is the cheesecake in the fridge
- He can do nothing except play Mario on the Wii
When I'm sick:
- If I want to nap: First, I can't. I am home with the kids by myself. When M gets home, I might get to sneak off to bed a little early. But I don't get to try to nap on the couch because he wants to watch TV or something
- I take care of the kids just like I do when I'm not sick. There is no calling in when you are at home all day with kiddos
- M thinks I must eat all the normal meals. And healthy stuff cuz sugar isn't going to make me better
- I get the laundry done, do the dishes, dust, vacuum, run errands, take care of the kids, cook dinner, go to work, sleep 3 hrs and do it again
Why is it that men are such babies when they are sick?! I really don't get it. They act like they are dying and can do nothing. If we get sick though, we must carry on.
2) I got a card from a family friend and she gave me some money in it. There are many things that I would like to spend the money on... new clothes, scrubs, an iPad, some things for the house like an entry bench and rug, my ear piercing, etc. Instead I have to take it down and put it in checking so that M can pay his tool bill at work, pay off his snowmobile, and get his boss a gift for his Christmas dinner.
M got a bonus at said Christmas dinner. He will spend it on parts for his snowmobile and whatever he wants to spend it on. I won't see any of it, and either will our bills.
Why do men get to spend "their" money how they want, on what they want, and yet we have to spend "our" money on things like bills? It is so unfair!!!
3) I work night shifts. I don't get to sleep much at all during the week when I get off. I average 4 hours of sleep on the days I have to work. I am tired. When Saturday finally comes, I want to sleep in, try to catch up on some of that lost sleep. M gets mad that I sleep the day away. He says he is tired too because he doesn't sleep well when I am not home. I would rather "not sleep well" for 9 hrs than pass out for hopefully 4.
Why don't they get that we need sleep too?! I can't function on 4 hours of sleep for 4 days! Guarantee he couldn't do it either if he only got to sleep for 4 hrs right after work, then get up and take care of kids all day and then head off to work, only to get 4 more hrs and do it again.
Like I said, I love my husband. I really do! Some things just really drive me up the wall! The difference between guys and girls amazes me.
What differences do you notice between you and your SO?
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Finishing November
I'm a little late, as with everything, but here are the final things that I am thankful for!
If you need a recap, the first 5 are here, the next 10 here, and the last 5 here!
If you need a recap, the first 5 are here, the next 10 here, and the last 5 here!
- Day 21: Just got stuck at a train crossing. I was mad but [Pumpkin] told me not to worry because trains are good because they deliver things we need. I'm thankful for my son's beautiful loving mind. We all need minds like that.
Children amaze me. The way they look at the world and see things. If everyone looked at the world the way children did we might actually live in a happy loving place.
- Day 22: I am thankful for my parents and in-laws living so close. It is so nice to be able to spend holidays with my family. I only wish my sisters were here.
I love doing family things! I love that we all get to spend the holidays together and enjoy each other's company (for the most part ;) ). I miss my sisters a lot though, and do wish they were closer to be able to spend the holidays with us too.
- Day 23: I am thankful I am not an avid Black Friday shopper. One store is plenty for me!! Good night!
My mom and I went to Herbergers on "Black Friday", or Thursday I guess you could technically call it. I don't know why we did it. I guess I could handle the crowd to get my $60+ boots for $20. HA! I stood in line, outside, in 20 degree weather, for an hour. Shoved my way through the crowds, elbowing people and giving dirty looks, to get the boots. I threw boxes around like next person, and never found my boots. Friend K found them in a size and a half too big, so I found some thick boot socks to accommodate. There was no way I was going through all that and coming out empty handed! I then had to find my mom who got eaten up by the swarm of people and actually got pushed down. I don't know why people enjoy shopping that way! I don't like crowds and I don't like pushy-rude people (although I can be just as rude as the next if you push me!). I seriously don't know if the savings are worth the pain...
- Day 24: I'm thankful for Saturdays!
I know this one sounds dumb, but I love Saturdays (doesn't everyone?!). M normally goes and does his own thing, and it leaves me to do what I please. Crafting, shopping, whatever. And I get to do it with my mom. What better way to spend a Saturday?
- Day 25: I'm thankful for leftover cherry pie. It helps me get through rough games.
I made a cherry pie for Thanksgiving. On Sunday, the Packers lost. I at the remainder of the cherry pie. Nuff said.
- Day 26: I am thankful Easton is at home with his family <3
Baby Easton finally got to go home to be with his family!!! It is such a blessing from God that he has gotten stable enough to go home. He has been taken to the ER twice since being home, but at least he is home with his mom and dad and brothers.
- Day 27: I am thankful for my wonderful sister-in-law who takes a day out of her busy schedule each week to watch my crazy kids! I don't know what I would do without her!!!! See you tomorrow :D
SIL watches the kids every Wednesday for me so I can sleep after working nights on Tuesday. I am so blessed to have such a helpful SIL!
- Day 28: I am thankful for technology. I love being able to share things with my family and friends that aren't here.
Truth be told, I have mixed feelings about technology, BUT I do love that I can post pictures and videos of the kids to share with my family that isn't here. I also love being able to talk "face-to-face" over our phones. It helps make the distance between us seem not so far.
- Day 29: I am thankful that my dad kicked cancers ass! I am also thankful that for the first time in 4 years, all my cancerous cells are finally gone too!
My dad got prostate cancer when I was almost 20. He has been through radiation and surgery after surgery. FINALLY he is cancer free and now only has to deal with follow-up stuff from his surgeries. This year is the first time in 4 years for me that my dr's told me I had no more cancerous cells! Thank you God for our health.
- Day 30: I am thankful for God. He has given me all that I am thankful for, and continues to provide. He knows what is best and is in control (thank you for that too cuz I have no idea what I am doing!). Way to often I ask and ask when I really need to thank and thank.
I think this one explains itself :)
How did you finish your month of thanks?
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. I love the winter, snow (when we get it, which we haven't this year :( ), Christmas lights, giving people gifts, cold weather and warm coco (with Kahlua), and Christmas music. I love remembering how excited I used to get (and kinda still do!) waiting for Christmas morning, and the traditions my family had.
One of my favorite Christmas traditions growing up was on Christmas Eve, we would all pile in the car and go to get milkshakes, although EVERY year they were already closed. We always knew they would be, but it almost became a tradition to go anyways! Then we would drive around town looking at all the Christmas lights and decorations. There were a couple places that always did big displays with villages and stuff set up, and we would brave the weather to get out and look at them. The last place we always went was a drive down this long road that all the people living on it lined with luminaries. Every car that went down it turned off their lights and drove by the glow of candles.
After that was time for the midnight church service. When I was really young I would stay home and sleep while my parents went, but as I got older and was able to keep my eyes open, I would get to go too. I loved the midnight service because at the end they gave everyone a candle, turned out the lights, and we stood circling the church signing Christmas songs.
We went to bed right when we got home and tried to sleep so Santa would come. In the morning my sisters and I went through our stockings while our parents showered and got coffee. Then one by one we took turns opening presents.
Another favorite of mine is for the month of December we had this calender that told us what day it was and counted up to Christmas. It had a little mouse that you would move each day, and my sister and I would always fight about who's turn it was to move the mouse! I looked forward to it every single day for a couple reasons. One, it showed how much closer we were getting to Christmas, and two, I loved to get to move that silly little mouse!
Now that we are all "grown up" and living in different parts of the country with our own lives, our traditions have changed a little. When my sisters are in town, we buy stockings for my parents to have also. We no longer go to the same church, and we don't do the family outing to look at lights. But I am passing on some of these traditions to my children.
Christmas Eve is spent with M's family (hence the reason we don't go with mine to look at lights!), so we drive around looking at lights one night usually the week before Christmas. We sometimes go to church Christmas Eve, but usually not the midnight service. We still do presents Christmas morning, but its not always at my parents' house with the whole family.
One tradition I did pass onto my kids this year though is the mouse calendar. My mom gave it me (probably since I am the only one with kids!) and gave me the idea to put little Hershey Kisses in the pouches so that when we move the mouse we get a kiss. Pumpkin loves this! He is so excited to get to move the mouse and eat a kiss! It really reminds me of being a kid.
I am excited to pass on more family traditions, and start new ones, with my children, especially as they get older and understand more. It is fun to relive these things through your children and watch them as they get so excited and anxious.
What are some of your favorite traditions from being a kid? What have you passed on to your children?
One of my favorite Christmas traditions growing up was on Christmas Eve, we would all pile in the car and go to get milkshakes, although EVERY year they were already closed. We always knew they would be, but it almost became a tradition to go anyways! Then we would drive around town looking at all the Christmas lights and decorations. There were a couple places that always did big displays with villages and stuff set up, and we would brave the weather to get out and look at them. The last place we always went was a drive down this long road that all the people living on it lined with luminaries. Every car that went down it turned off their lights and drove by the glow of candles.
After that was time for the midnight church service. When I was really young I would stay home and sleep while my parents went, but as I got older and was able to keep my eyes open, I would get to go too. I loved the midnight service because at the end they gave everyone a candle, turned out the lights, and we stood circling the church signing Christmas songs.
We went to bed right when we got home and tried to sleep so Santa would come. In the morning my sisters and I went through our stockings while our parents showered and got coffee. Then one by one we took turns opening presents.
Another favorite of mine is for the month of December we had this calender that told us what day it was and counted up to Christmas. It had a little mouse that you would move each day, and my sister and I would always fight about who's turn it was to move the mouse! I looked forward to it every single day for a couple reasons. One, it showed how much closer we were getting to Christmas, and two, I loved to get to move that silly little mouse!
Now that we are all "grown up" and living in different parts of the country with our own lives, our traditions have changed a little. When my sisters are in town, we buy stockings for my parents to have also. We no longer go to the same church, and we don't do the family outing to look at lights. But I am passing on some of these traditions to my children.
Christmas Eve is spent with M's family (hence the reason we don't go with mine to look at lights!), so we drive around looking at lights one night usually the week before Christmas. We sometimes go to church Christmas Eve, but usually not the midnight service. We still do presents Christmas morning, but its not always at my parents' house with the whole family.
One tradition I did pass onto my kids this year though is the mouse calendar. My mom gave it me (probably since I am the only one with kids!) and gave me the idea to put little Hershey Kisses in the pouches so that when we move the mouse we get a kiss. Pumpkin loves this! He is so excited to get to move the mouse and eat a kiss! It really reminds me of being a kid.
Mouse Calendar!!! |
I am excited to pass on more family traditions, and start new ones, with my children, especially as they get older and understand more. It is fun to relive these things through your children and watch them as they get so excited and anxious.
What are some of your favorite traditions from being a kid? What have you passed on to your children?
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