Thursday, December 22, 2011

I'm a Liar

We had a dr appt today, and I lied to Dr K. I just couldn't handle telling her the truth. I told her I had only gained 2 lbs, putting me at 168, when really I had gained 4.

I don't think its that big of a deal, and I should have just sucked it up and told her, but I don't want to be gaining this much weight so fast and I didn't want her to say anything about it. I am way above her chart, and even above my chart! She wants me to just kind of stay around "this" weight from here on out, but I know don't think that will happen. I can see myself gaining another 10 pounds!

My chart/Source

How do I stop?! I wish I could just stay the weight I am, I would love that! But I know that Peanut is going to be growing, and she will weigh more, making my weight go up at least a little. Plus, its almost Christmas! There is a lot of good food to be eaten right now! And I don't know what to do in the way of working out... And really? Do I want to start at 29 wks pregnant?! I can't get my lazy butt of the couch regularly, let alone being pregnant!

Have you ever lied to your dr about your weight? Were you able to maintain your weight in the last 10 weeks?


  1. I wouldn't even have the option to lie about my weight gain since they weigh me at the office and put it in my chart.

    Have you tried just walking? If it's WAY too cold out you could always just go to the mall and walk laps, lol.

    My weightgain has been pretty text-book, but my midwife always reminds me if I start gaining too much weight it'll just make it THAT much harder when I'm in labor. That has helped keep me on track!!

    Good luck and happy holidays!

  2. Thats the nice thing, I get to weigh at home in the morning and then just tell her!

    It has actually been pretty nice here for being December, I think I will start walking, that is a really good idea!

    Good job on keeping your weight on track! I'm jealous :)
