Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Great Debate Part II


Catch up with Part I here.

So my next step was to contact daycares and see if they would take babies in cloth diapers. I figured most wouldn't, but I did need to check. Before I could do this though, I needed to figure out exactly what I was planning on doing with myself after Peanut arrived!

I am going to go back to school, if all works out with financial aid. The only thing that I am so hesitant on is working part-time (we really need the money), going to school, and having 2 kids, plus a husband, at home. Can I actually do it?! Some days I think yes. Other days, when I am in a sane state of mind, I think HELL NO!!!!! But the thing is, to make life better for my family, I am pretty sure I need to risk my sanity for a couple years and suck it up. Get a part-time job. Go to school. Take care of 3, I mean 2, kids and a husband. Keep house in order. That's not too much right?! Maybe not for a super mom, but what if I am not a super mom?! Anyways, that is what I have decided the plan is going to be.

So I was at friend K's house for her Christmas party last week, and I was talking to her about going back to school and having to find a daycare for Peanut. And guess what? She said she could watch her while I was at school!!!! SCORE!!!!! That means, Peanut will be with someone I trust, I won't have to pay an arm and a leg, and I can literally see K's house from my house, so the drive won't be bad at all! And, of course, the reason for this post.... I can cloth diaper because K will do it! I am blessed with the best friend!

I feel like I was able to skip this step of finding out if daycare will take a cloth bottom baby, but it just worked out really well! I think that if for some reason K can't watch Peanut, I will look more into a nanny. Because of the limited hours I would need someone to watch Peanut, a nanny would be more reasonable in terms of cost. And then they don't have a choice but to cloth diaper if I say so!

This part was easy, so easy, which makes me excited to move onto the next part: Buying cloth diapers. I am scared out of my mind about this. I still don't know where to start, or what to get, or anything! Plus, once I order, then I can't change my mind. I don't like not having an escape for "just in case"! But, I am excited about cloth diapering though, and I think I will love it, so now I need to buckle down and order!

Did you have a great friend that helped you out with your child(ren)? Do you have a nanny?

Also, in celebration of 30 wks, here is a belly shot. Its crappy, I know, but I am the only one that could take one right now other than Pumpkin, and I don't know if his would be much better :)

I need to clean my mirror, cuz whatever that is, its on the mirror, not my ass

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