Monday, May 9, 2011

Step One

Our first plan of action was to get me to ovulate, since that seemed to be a big part of the problem. On day 3 of my cycle, I went in, had an US (ultrasound) to check for cysts, and then was prescribed 50 mg of Clomid. I took this for 5 days, waited a few days and took OPK's (ovulation prediction kits). When I got a positive, we DTD, confident that it would work, waited two weeks, and... nothing. No period, no positive pregnancy test, absolutely nothing, besides a lot of tears from me.


Back to Dr K. She started me on progesterone to jump start my period, did a day 3 US, and was prescribed 50 mg of Clomid again. This time it was sure to work. But once again, no luck. We did this for 3 months, then decided to move onto the next step, adding HCG to the mix. It was decided that just because I was getting positive OPK's, that did not mean I was actually releasing the eggs, and the HCG would take care of that part for me. Way to go body, you could step up and do a little work yourself!

Before we did this though, we were going to test M's men to make sure they were up for the battle. So we set a date in February, took home our supplies, and got him ready.


  1. Love the picture! Is it really you? :)
    I know how it feels to have a "lazy" reproductive system. It can get so frustrating knowing the amount of medication it takes our bodies to do something that happens regularly for so many people. On a positive note, we now take needles like pros!

  2. That is true! My fear of needles is slowly disappearing!
