Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Butt Is Better

Since M's men were "ok" according to Dr Ass, Dr K thought that we should add hcg to the mix of things. I started on Clomid again, and on day 12 went in for an US. This showed us how many follicles I had, which ovary they were coming from, and if they were large enough to "trigger" with hcg. Luckily for us, we came in just the right time. I had a good follicle that only needed about 1 more day to grow a little bit bigger. I would pick the hcg up from the pharmacy, go back the next day, and get it injected.

When I went in for my hcg shot, the nurse asked me if I wanted it in the arm or the butt. Now, let me start by saying that I am deathly afraid of needles. Odd since I have 5 tattoos, but something about them going under my skin and injecting stuff, or drawing stuff out, scares the bejeezus out of me. Whenever I see a needle coming at me, I get all clammy, panicky, and start breathing either rapidly or not at all. Since I have never gotten a shot in the butt before, and I already knew how much I hated them in the arms, I opted for the butt. The nurse also told me that the butt seems to hurt less, so I was sold.


The butt is so much better! I don’t mind the butt at all! I got a little panicky when a dropped my drawers and bent over, but it was just the smallest little prick and then it was done! It was fast, didn’t hurt, and since I couldn’t see her getting ready to do it, it didn’t bother me as much. I would take a shot in the butt over the arm any day! It probably helps that I have a little extra cushioning back there, but I still recommend the butt to everyone. I did get a little bruise and sore the next day, but not bad.

The next step was to wait about 36 hrs, then DTD. So… that is what we did! Then the TWW was on.


  1. Love the picture, but I gotta say, this part sounds dirty!..."The butt is so much better! I don’t mind the butt at all! I got a little panicky when a dropped my drawers and bent over, but it was just the smallest little prick and then it was done!"
    Or do I just have a dirty mind???

  2. Haha! Yes, it does sound dirty now that you say it! But I really would take a shot in the butt over the arm any day!
