Poor Lex and Lyla are sick. Really sick.
Lex has croup right now and cannot stop coughing. She is so fatigued too. Its only slightly nice because she is super cuddly, but it really breaks my heart. Matt called me at work tonight and told me that at about 7:30 she told him she wanted to go to be, so she crawled in, clothes and all, and fell asleep. Poor little girl just cannot seem to shake this.
Lyla was diagnosed around the age of 2 with asthma. She's been hospitalized twice for illness. First time was right before her first birthday for RSV and pneumonia, second time was right before her second birthday for pneumonia. When I took her to the Dr this week he said he could hear fluid in her lungs, and she was on the verge on pneumonia again. Not only that, but her asthma is flared up and her lungs are really tight. Her normal asthma medications (daily and rescue) aren't helping so he gave us some new ones to try. She has been off the wall with energy, but her asthma goes crazy when she gets to rambunctious, so we have been trying to get her to lay low. Meds are going good, we will see how good when we do the follow-up with the Dr.
Its nights like this that I wish I was a stay at home mom. Its so hard to be away from my kids when they are sick. I know that Matt is perfectly capable of taking care of them, but I want to be there. I took last night off since it was the first night with the new medications and our new diagnosis, but I want to be there every night until they are all better. I hate being away when they don't feel good.
Kael is probably loving them being sick. I don't want him to get anything, especially since he is so prone to getting croup, so as soon as he is done with his school work he gets to go play X-Box or build his Lego's, anything that isn't around his sisters, which basically means no real chores right now. Seems pretty fair since they get to lay around and watch all the TV they want right now too.
I love the snow and winter, but I love that summer brings less germs and colds. We have had our share this year!
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