Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Halloween Fun

A typical Montana Halloween includes freezing cold weather. We have to plan our costumes around snow suits, and keep the car running so we can take breaks between houses to warm up. This year has been unusually warm though. So warm in fact that Miss L only had to wear 2 shirts, a fleece jacket, tights, and sweats under her costume to be able to go trick or treating! I was loving being able to comfortably walk around too without shivering uncontrollably.

We got to get a little more use out of our costumes this year too. K had a school carnival, so the kids all dressed up for that, then he had a party at school so he got to wear his costume there, and of course Halloween night we went trick or treating.

The girls have been battling colds, but like I said, it has been really nice and warm here, so we were able to take them out for a bit. LL just hung out in the carrier with me, but K and Miss L had so much fun. And they all looked adorable!

Here they are the night of the carnival.

K as Dracula

Miss L as a Dopadah (her word for princess)

Our little monster LL (the best part... she growls. No baby babbling here, just straight up growling)

1 comment:

  1. Our halloweens are always cold and gross too! :(no fair!
