My plant died.
This really doesn't surprise me as I seem to kill off pretty much all the plants I try to grow, inside and out. I don't know why, I just really don't have a green thumb. The only plant that I actually was able to keep alive was this awesome one that a lady I used to work with gave me. It was small and had pink polka dots on its leaves (if anyone knows what time of plant this is tell me please!!!). As you might notice though, I am referring to it in past tense because my very mature husband flew his tiny little helicopter thing into it and the propellers chopped it up. Nice. Thanks honey.
This plant was really special to me though. And to be honest, when I had to kind of come to terms with the fact it died, I cried (I still haven't completely lost hope, and can't bring myself to toss it
just in case). The reason this plant was so special is that it was the plant that Dr K gave me when we lost BB3. I have had that plant for 1 year 10 months. It has had some rough days when it needed water, or a little more sun, but it always pulled through. Unfortunately, I think I watered it too much this time. And because it is cold, there is no warm sun to set it in to try and dry out the dirt. I thought about re-potting it, but I haven't gotten to the store to buy dirt, and the stuff we do have is frozen. Even though it is cold, I set the plant in front of the sliding glass door in hopes of it helping. When that didn't work, I set it next to the fireplace, hoping to dry the soil without burning the leaves. Still nothing. My plant is dead.
Do you think it has hope??? |
You may say its just a plant, but it held a connection to my baby. So now I have a dead plant sitting in my living room that I keep telling everyone that its still alive and will perk up. I'm going to have to come to terms soon and toss it, but I just can't quite bring myself to do it. I lost my baby, and now I have lost my plant.