Please tell me I am not the only horrible mother who lies to her children... anyone? You...?
Maybe it does make me a bad mom, but sometimes I think certain situations warrant lying. I'm not talking about Santa, the Easter Bunny, or Tooth Fairy either. I'm talking about everyday things. For example: Batteries.
I'm pretty sure all the toy companies got together and plotted out how to drive parents insanely crazy by repetitive, annoying toys. I'm also pretty sure that no person who comes up with said toys have children. If they did I would put money down that they would not be making toys with noise. Of course when my kids first get a new
annoying toy that makes noise, I put batteries in. I let them enjoy it while I try not to pull my hair out and end up in the looney bin signing the same song over. and. over. Once that toys batteries die though... we no longer have any new batteries in the house. None. Anywhere. That pack that I recently bought to replace the old batteries in the TV remote? All gone. In fact, we are so short on batteries that I just might have to steal some out of a different toy to replace the ones in the alarm clock, even though it plugs in.
Maybe tomorrow. I use this phrase a lot. Maybe too much. But I can't possibly drive into town everyday to get ice cream. Or buy a toy. Or see Nana and Papa. Or go to the movie. Or play at the park. You understand? My kid's have an agenda that has no limits. If I did everything that they wanted to do, I would be even more broke then I already am. So I tell them "maybe tomorrow". Sadly, tomorrow never comes. But give them a day, and they have forgotten about it and moved onto something else that is more reasonable, like jumping on the tramp.
The neighbor isn't home. Although I just got off the phone with her and she is sitting on her couch. I love that my kids love our neighbors and want to play with them all the time, but that doesn't mean they want us there all the time. I swear Pumpkin would live there if I let him! While I do let him go to the neighbor's often, there are sometimes when I just have to lie and tell him they aren't home. This saves from the argument of why he can't go and him getting mad at me for not letting him. If they aren't home, I don't have to be the mean mom that said no for no "good" reason.
You love (insert food item here). I have found that kids have short memories, especially with unimportant things like food. Typically I cook the same things, but every once in awhile I add something new to the mix. Sometimes the kids love it, other times they don't. If they don't, and I end up making it again, I tell them they do. Normally this actually works and they will end up eating it. I have to lie and tell them they liked it last time though, otherwise they pick at it and refuse to eat anything. Its not like a cook really weird, gross things either. Eating a potato in a different form isn't going to make you sick.
I try to be very honest and open with my kids. Sometimes though, I think that lying is necessary, if only to save my sanity and a fight. I don't feel like my lies are hurting anybody either. So please tell me that I am not a truly horrible person/mother for lying to my kids!
Do you lie to your kids? What about?