Resolutions 4-6 can be found here, leaving us with the month of July.
July I cheated and did something that I had already done. While at Target, I let the people behind me go ahead in line. I, once again, had a cart full, and they only had 1 item. I wasn't in a hurry, and it didn't seem fair to make them wait for me and all my crap when they could be done paying by the time I unloaded said crap.
August I took the easy way out again, and donated to a charity. It wasn't much, but every little bit counts and helps, and it was what I could do at the time.
September showed me that getting Pumpkin involved in my resolutions really was paying off. It got pretty darn chilly for a couple days here. There was a construction crew building a house 2 doors down from us and Pumpkin said that we should make them some cookies like we did that one time! YAY! Even my 5-year-old can pick up that doing nice things for others is a good thing! Proud moment for me :)
October went by in a blur, but I did manage to still keep my resolution! M signed
November also has flown by, but there are more opportunities to do good deeds presenting themselves. People trying to get ready for Christmas, the bell ringers outside stores, 'tis the season and all that. I helped a little old lady find some horseradish in the grocery store. She really was little, and old, and super cute and sweet. She was looking for the horseradish and I heard her saying that she really needed some but couldn't find it. I had actually just passed it myself, so I took her to where it was. She was so thankful for that little gesture. It made me feel good to help her out.
Have you been doing anything for others? Do you find it easier in the "holiday" season?