Wednesday, November 27, 2013

All But December

I have been really bad about blogging in general lately, but especially keeping up with blogging about what I have been doing to keep my New Years Resolution this year. So... what month did I leave off with anyways?!

Resolutions 4-6 can be found here, leaving us with the month of July.

July I cheated and did something that I had already done. While at Target, I let the people behind me go ahead in line. I, once again, had a cart full, and they only had 1 item. I wasn't in a hurry, and it didn't seem fair to make them wait for me and all my crap when they could be done paying by the time I unloaded said crap.

August I took the easy way out again, and donated to a charity. It wasn't much, but every little bit counts and helps, and it was what I could do at the time.

September showed me that getting Pumpkin involved in my resolutions really was paying off. It got pretty darn chilly for a couple days here. There was a construction crew building a house 2 doors down from us and Pumpkin said that we should make them some cookies like we did that one time! YAY! Even my 5-year-old can pick up that doing nice things for others is a good thing! Proud moment for me :)

October went by in a blur, but I did manage to still keep my resolution! M signed us me up to work at Pumpkin's school carnival. I was in charge of this duck game. The kids picked a duck and if it had an X on the bottom, they got a prize, if it didn't they got candy. Well there was this little boy, too young to even go to school, and he wanted to play so bad but didn't have the 1 ticket required. SO, I threw in one of the tickets that Pumpkin had and let the little boy play. Then I cheated and let him pick out a prize when his duck didn't have an X on the bottom.

November also has flown by, but there are more opportunities to do good deeds presenting themselves. People trying to get ready for Christmas, the bell ringers outside stores, 'tis the season and all that. I helped a little old lady find some horseradish in the grocery store. She really was little, and old, and super cute and sweet. She was looking for the horseradish and I heard her saying that she really needed some but couldn't find it. I had actually just passed it myself, so I took her to where it was. She was so thankful for that little gesture. It made me feel good to help her out.

Have you been doing anything for others? Do you find it easier in the "holiday" season?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Teeth Are Worth HOW Much?!

Pumpkin is growing up so damn fast, and yesterday just really proved it. He lost his first tooth!

A while back he wrecked pretty good on a strider bike, and I thought that maybe he knocked it out then, but it hung on and wasn't even that loose. About a month, maybe... or so... ago it got loose. We have been trying to get him to wiggle it and get it to fall out, but he wasn't that interested in it falling out. He was super excited it was loose though! So yesterday at school he said he was pushing on it and heard it pop a couple times, and TA-DA! it fell out! His teacher put it in a little tooth necklace and he got a sticker staying he lost a tooth! I was so excited and proud, and sad that he is growing so fast.

Then came the debate on how much a tooth is worth. Growing up, our teeth weren't worth very much. I don't even know if I ever got a dollar for one! M thought about giving him a 10 though! Wow! Teeth have really gone up in price!!! Since this was his first tooth though, and he was so excited about it, we gave him $5. A lot, but the other ones won't be worth as much.

How much did you get for your teeth? How much do you plan on giving for teeth?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mr Mom

Somehow along the way, M has become a better mom then me. I don’t know if it’s because of me being pregnant and him trying to help out, or if he really is just a better mom, but damn, he’s good.
Since I don’t work a day job, he lets me sleep in the mornings while he gets Pumpkin ready for school, and off to school. He gets him breakfast, makes him lunch for the day, and helps him get all his school stuff ready. He also drops him off on his way to work at the morning program so I don’t have to get up or leave at all. They even have a night routine now that consists of brushing teeth, getting jammies on and reading when I go to work.
I never thought much of it until the other day when I went to get Pumpkin a glass of orange juice and he told me no pulp. M was sitting there and he told Pumpkin that he didn’t buy the kind with pulp because he knows he doesn’t like it. Ummm…. How come I didn’t know that?!
I love how much M does to help me out, but he really is becoming a better mom then me! I’ve gotta kick it into gear here soon or Pumpkin isn’t going to need me at all!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ghost Pirate and Stripper Kitty

Halloween was unusually warm this year, which was nice for us to be able to take the kids out and actually see their costumes instead of covering them with snow gear. We went to the East side of town, where the houses are close together, there are sidewalks, and a lot of people. And by a lot of people, I mean a LOT of people. It was unreal. There were actually lines from people’s houses to the sidewalk. Bad idea on my part. We were only able to trick or treat a couple of blocks because of all the people. We left there and went to my parents’ house. Pumpkin went to a couple houses in their neighborhood and then just dumped their candy bucket into his. Smart kid :)
Pumpkin wanted to be a “ghost pirate” this year. I found a cute and cheap costume at Costco and then just painted his face white with black circles around his eyes, and he wore white gloves. I thought a horse or kitty would be cute for Miss L, but finding a costume was so frickin hard! Luckily a Spirit Halloween opened this year for the first time ever in our area, so I was able to find a costume there. Unluckily, the cute kitty costume was $40, way too much for me to spend on a 1 year old’s Halloween costume. So instead she got stripper kitty. I think she still looked pretty cute with her little painted nose and whiskers. Stripperish yes, but a cute stripper!

M and I didn’t dress up, but surprisingly he kind of wanted too. We had Pumpkin’s school carnival the Saturday before Halloween and M said we should have at least worn masks to that, so maybe next year we will do something fun.
How was your Halloween? Did you dress up, or just your kiddos?