Saturday, June 16, 2012

Ready For The Sun

Our sun has been pretty hit and miss lately here. Some days its 80 degrees, and then the next its 45. Typical for our area, but still frustrating! We had a pretty nice day the other day though, so I busted out Miss L's sunglasses.

She looks pretty happy about her glasses in this pic, but don't let her fool you! She kept pulling on them and whining. I want her to get used to them early on so she grows up wearing them. Pumpkin never minded having his on, and even now he asks to wear them. I have extremely sensitive eyes, and I don't want my children to have any problems with theirs.

When did you first put sunglasses on your LO? Did they mind them?


  1. We have tried a few times during her 2 years of life but she really doesn't care for them. She would rather put on her Mrs. Potato Head glasses instead ;)

    1. Mrs Potato Head glasses are a good start though and better than none! And I bet she looks adorable ;)
