Monday, August 1, 2011


We had another dr appt today, and we got to hear the heartbeat! It was amazing to hear that galloping sound. And to watch M's face light up. That might have been the best part :)

My dr did tell me that my pap came back abnormal. They are waiting for the HPV test to come back, so not sure what is going on just yet. Of course, my mind jumps to the worse and I start thinking cancer again. I am trying to stay calm though, and not think about it, but it is so hard. Why can't my vagina just be normal?! I want normal pap smears like everyone else. What happens if it is cancer again? Would that affect my pregnancy? How would they take care of that?

I am trying not to think about it, and just be happy with hearing our little bug's heartbeat. We go back in 3 wks, which will mark the end of our first trimester. That itself will be a huge relief.

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