I am noticing some changes. My skin is extremely oily. I am breaking out all over the place. It almost looks like I have the chicken pox. I am getting zits in places I didn’t know were possible!
I have been feeling “icky” the last couple days too. I feel sick cuz I’m hungry, but when I eat, I still feel sick. I threw up once, just slightly, while brushing my teeth. I feel like I am going to throw up pretty often though. Lucky for me I am not a throw up person, I could count the number of times on one hand, so maybe I will stay that way.
My stomach is bloated up big. I haven’t gained any weight, despite my binge eating lately because I have been walking almost everyday, but I swear, my stomach is bigger then it usually is. Not like baby belly, but more like bloated belly. Or maybe my uterus is getting bigger and it is pushing my fat further out? My stomach muscles feel tighter, but that could be because of the walking and working some muscles for a change! I feel really bloated all over though, and could hardly move my rings this morning. I couldn’t get them off at all to shower.
I always thought prenatals were supposed to make your hair beautiful too. But mine has been falling out! Well, on my head anyways. I seem to be growing some beautiful leg and armpit hair though! I can’t keep up with it!!! Poor M is going to have a troll in bed with him if I don’t shave soon. And the PCOS hair hasn’t seem to let up at all.
Cravings have started. Unfortunately for me, I have never been a health nut, SO, why should it change while I am pregnant? Cupcakes, cake, gooey cookies. Oh yeah, that is what I am talking about! I have been good though, and haven’t given in to those cravings. Instead I am trying to watch what I eat, and since I was craving those sweets, I bough a bag of Jolly Ranchers. Not quite the same thing, but I was hoping they would tie me over. (note: they have not. I am still craving the other stuff)
Changes are starting, but I am still not sure what to make of them. I hope they mean little bug is hanging on tight, but it is still REALLY early. And maybe these changes are just all in my head?! Maybe I am always like this and am just noticing it now because I am looking for anything and everything.
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