Wednesday, June 25, 2014


I work nights as a sleep tech. Pretty much I stay up all night and monitor and watch people sleep to see if they have a sleep disorder... sleep apnea. If they do, I can put them on a mask and machine and increase pressures until I can clear obstructions in their sleep and they can then breath normally and achieve the different sleep stages they need to for healthy sleep.

I have been doing this for over 2 years now, and just finally bit the bullet and took the test to register last Friday. And I PASSED!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! I am so damn excited for having passed! This means I am now officially a registered polysomnographic tech, or RPSGT for short ;)

So sorry for my absence.... if you even missed me... but I have been cramming for my test! Since I no longer have to study, I will get back to my not-so-regular-regular posting!

H.S., RPSGT  <--- (see that? I can legally sign that behind my name now!!!!)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bedroom Redo

My latest house project was our bedroom. LL's crib and changing table is in our bedroom, so everything feels really cluttered and our room needed to be revamped bad. Granted there isn't much that I could do in the way of rearranging or eliminating furniture, but giving the room a makeover helped the cluster feel.

Here is our room originally. *note* I didn't bother to clean the room before I took these pictures because honestly, this is what our room looks like on a day to day basis.

Such a mess, slightly embarrassing. BUT, not any more! Since I redid it, we have kept it clean and organized! Looks so much better and is actually relaxing to go into now.

I still need to fix my bottom drawer on the dresser. And I want to sand the nightstands down and then stain them the color of the wood part on our bed and paint the drawer the green color of bed. I have also been tossing around the idea of painting the wall behind our bed and changing table a really light blue, but M isn't too thrilled about that idea, so its on hold for now. I'll do the nightstands first and then see.

It is so nice to have an organized and clean room! I can actually relax in it now and not feel overwhelmed. It was actually fun to clean it all really good and put it all together. The girls had fun while I was doing it too :)