Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Remember the sad story I told you about, baby Easton? Well, I have been following his Facebook page, and praying for him every day. I have also gotten a wonderful lady, G of All Things G, to do a Scentsy fundraiser for him! I would like to ask you all to participate in this fundraiser, and to tell everyone you know about it and get them to participate too!!! This little guy and his family need all the help they can get. Also, I ask that you please pray for him every day.

Here is the link to the Scensty fundraiser:

Thank you for your help. I hope this fundraiser goes well and helps this family out. I pray that baby Easton heals completely and soon. <3

Friday, September 21, 2012

September 18

The day that M and I got married, 2 yrs ago. (Also the day Miss L turned 7 months! I don't know which is more exciting. :) )

M and I didn't do anything for our anniversary. I actually ended up having to work. A co-worker of mine asked me the night before if I would, and I totally spaced out our anniversary, so I told her yeah. M was pretty bummed and I felt so horrible. I'm hoping we can do something this weekend to make up for it, even if its just cuddling on the couch watching a movie.

I love thinking back on my wedding day though. I was so nervous and excited! Here are some of my favorite pics :)

Our wedding was so much fun. I wish we could do it all over again!

Friday, September 14, 2012

6 Month Pics

Story of my life.... Late. Always, with everything.

Miss L is going to be 7 months old next week, but we just did her 6 month pics. Whats a few weeks late?!

My friend K did them for me (she also did her newborn pics). She was a little crabby as it was right at bottle and nap time, but we got some really cute pictures. Here is a little collage I made!

Collage made with Picture2Life

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Week Late

I'm a horrible mother and blogger for not writing this sooner, like a week ago.

Pumpkin started pre-kindergarten last Wednesday. He goes 3 days a week for 3 hrs a day, so not very long. He was really excited to start. Me? Not so much. My little boy is growing up so fast! I can't believe he is actually starting SCHOOL. Wow.

Little Pumpkin only 1 month old
Growing up!!!

We got there a little early and walked hand in hand into his new school.

When we got to his room we gave his teacher's aid his markers, crayons, glue, and box of Kleenex. The school supply list we had gotten told us exactly what to get: Crayola, broad line, non-washable,  non-fluorescent, 10 count markers. Crayola 16 count crayons. Large bottle Elmer's School Glue, blue label. Kleenex. Well, all the stores in our town were sold out of the markers! I spent a whole afternoon going into every store around, Target, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, the grocery store, and ended up driving to the office supply store on the OTHER side of town to get them. Boy am I glad that I did though. If I hand't and would have opted out for the cheap knock-off brand, he would have been the only kid with the wrong markers. That could have scarred him for life!

After we gave them his supplies, we found his cubby and put his backpack and coat in it, and then found his chair. The teacher had green play-dough set out on all the tables, so Pumpkin was easily distracted and didn't give me much more thought. I got a kiss and a hug and he was in his own world. I set back and watch for a bit and took a couple pictures.

Since he was ready to start his day, I let him be. The 3 hrs drug on though, and finally I got to go pick him up! We talked all the way home about what he did that day. They were scientists, and they did some science with vinegar and colors and baking soda. He was so excited to tell me about it! He was really tired from all the activities (and probably from getting up so early), so when we got home we took a nap together. :)

How did you feel on your child's first day of school? Were they excited to go?