Friday, April 27, 2012

The Truth About Parenthood

I'm going to be honest here, so please don't judge. These are some of the things I have found to be true about being a mom, and have done:

  1. I think part of the reason I breastfeed is for the 500 extra calories. I'm not ready to give up my sweets just yet
  2. I have put a towel down on the bed after my son has peed so I don't have to mess with the sheets until the next day
  3. A few times, in defeat, I have sat on the couch and cried
  4. Why is it that my children are on opposite sleeping schedules? When one sleeps in, the other is up super early
  5. I don't think I own anything that doesn't have a spit up stain on it
  6. Poop is no longer gross to me, and that is sad
  7. I pick my son's nose more than he does
  8. My house is always messy
  9. I am perfectly comfortable about going into town to shop in sweats, old T-shirt, no shower or makeup, and my clogs
  10. I get frusterated when my kids won't sleep or eat
  11. My son is smarter than me
  12. I get jealous of how much attention my daughter gets
  13. Macaroni and cheese is a perfectly fine dinner, especially if you cut up hot dogs in it
  14. Often times I feel like a failure as a mother
  15. I have given in to my son just so I don't have to mess with it or listen to him whine
  16. I miss peeing in private
  17. Pancakes make a great breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  18. I miss my pre-baby boobs. And ass, and legs, and stomach...
  19. I can't remember the last time I was able to finish a cup of coffee before it went cold and I had to reheat it, twice
  20. Sleep is a thing of my dreams, if I'm asleep long enough to have them
I could go on, but I am scared that you all might agree I am a horrible mother! What things have you found true? Or do you do? Am I the only crazy mother out there?!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


One of my biggest fears was not being able to breastfeed. There is so much pressure on moms to breastfeed, and it didn't work out for me the first time, so I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to this time. And to be honest, if I didn't have some weird obsession with it, I don't think it would have!

Luckily, Miss L had a great latch from the beginning, and an extremely strong suck. I made good colostrum, even more than a lot of people (so they told me), and things were looking good. Then things started to not look so good, literally. I was producing ok amount of milk, enough for her for the time being, but my nipples took a turn for the worse. They told me the first week is the hardest, then they heal and things get better. After the first week, they told me sometimes it takes 2. After 2 they gave me a shield to try. After 2 months, Dr K looked at me like I was crazy for still going at it!

I completely lost the end of one nipple. Not just a crack or little hole or sore spot, but completely gone (I tried to take a pic of it, but it didn't show up very well and I didn't want to get in trouble for posting porn or something). Miss L would feed and pull away and blood would be running down her chin, she was like a cannibal. I felt so horrible, and a little grossed out, but they told me it was ok and the blood doesn't hurt her at all... good to know. It has grown back mostly now, but is still raw and bleeds from time to time. It also still has a hole in the center that hasn't completely grown back. Every once in awhile my toes will curl with pain, but for the most part its better.

The shield has been great. I have been wanting to stop using it lately though, just becuase I think it would be a little easier to be able to feed quickly when we are out rather than having to dig in my diaper bag, get my tupperware container out, and position the shield, then have her latch on. So I tried without it the other day. My sweet daughter, bless her heart, made these little kissy noises and just kind of messed around with the end of my nipple, not really completely taking it. Darling, my boob is the size of you, my areola the size of your face, and the nipple not much smaller, take a mouthful! Her great latch in the beginning was not so great without the shield. I think I may be stuck using it, which is fine, but not what I really wanted.

My milk supply has been less than great too. I have had to take metoclopramide (Reglan) twice to try and help increase it. It did work, while I was taking it, but once I stopped it seemed my milk supply dropped. Maybe I am just to lazy because I didn't stay up and pump all night after her feedings. But I would hope that her constant and long feedings would be enough to keep my milk supply up...? I also eat oatmeal like a crazy person, and am now taking Vit C. I tried fennel and fenugreek, but that made both of us gassy. I may go back to it though if I can't get my supply to stay up.

To all you ladies that have no problems breastfeeding. That have great never ending supplies. Whose baby latches great. Whose nipple didn't fall off. I hate you. Not really, but I am super jealous of you and wish I could do it like you.

Did you have troubles breastfeeding? Or would you one of those ladies that totally rocked it?

Friday, April 20, 2012

Things I Should Have Bought Stock In

If only I would have known the things that I would use this time around, and how much of them!

Nursing Pads. I use nursing pads like they are going out of style. I don't produce TONS of milk, but my boobs are like a leaky faucet! I have to change my nursing pads a couple times a day because they get so soaked. I never knew that people actually did that!

Breast Milk Storage Bags. I also should have bought some stock in breast milk storage bags. I didn't think I would really even be able to breastfeed, so all this is new to me. I don't pump that often, but it seems like I am constantly buying storage bags. 

Pads. 8 weeks later, and I still spot. I bleed for the first 6 wks continually, but now just spot. I don't remember bleeding this long with Pumpkin. I also don't remember being so sore. I was able to wear tampons again with Pumpkin at 6 wks, but they still hurt a little this time. I really hope that goes away soon because I don't like wearing pads!

If only I knew how different it would be this time! I just didn't know the things that I would be using, and how much of them, this time around. And since I didn't BF Pumpkin, that part is all new to me! The things people don't tell you or warn you about!

Do your boobs continually leak? Have you used a lot of things that you didn't think you would?

2 Weeks of Blurred Days Cont

I realized I never finished this post. I left you hanging that we were almost of out the woods, and for some reason I thought I wrote another post on it!

Week 3 came, and things were going good, until I was giving Peanut a bath one day. I took her to her room after to dry her off and get her dressed. I was putting some lotion on her and her on her tummy, but supported by my hand still. When I rolled her back over, she was blue. I didn't know what to do or think, and I actually just stood there staring at her. She made some weird almost choking sounds and then took a breath and started to breath again on her own. Her color slowly came back then.

It totally freaked me out. It didn't register that something was wrong, or maybe it did but I was so shocked and scared I couldn't do anything. Luckily we had a dr appt the next day, so I told him about her episode. He consulted with her heart specialist dr and they decided that it was probably either a small seizure, or she choked on something like mucous and couldn't catch her breath. He told me that if it was a small seizure that its nothing to worry about (yeah right), that they sometimes happen, and may never happen again. Hopefully it was just choking though.

We haven't had any episodes of her turning blue like that since. She does get a little bluish color though when she does tummy time. Her dr said it could be because of pressure and taking shallower breaths, or that she swallows air in that position. Needless to say, she doesn't spend much time on her tummy! We keep a very close eye on her though, and her color. I seem to freak out a little more now if she is slightly bluish, even if its the "normal" blue that babies sometimes get from being cold, etc. I just pray that she doesn't have another episode of not breathing again.

How would you react if you saw your baby not breathing and turning blue? Do you think you would freak out, or just stare like me?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

2 Months

Its already been 2 months since Peanut was born. I can't believe how fast it has gone! (And sorry for my lack of posts).

I have been asked to share Peanut's name, but I'm not sure I really want to... I will tell you this though, it starts with an "L". :) So I took Miss L to her 2 month check up today. She is 9 lbs 10 oz, and 21 1/2" long. That puts her in the 20th percentile for height and weight. Her head was a little over 15 cm, putting it in the 60th %! She got her first set of shots today, which was horrible. I wanted to cry for her. She was super cuddly the rest of the day though, making it really hard to leave and go to work. (Did I mention that? I'm working now. I will post more on that later though).

We had to go into the dr last week also. For some reason, Miss L doesn't want to poop. I have had to give her a suppository 2 times now. That is the worst thing to do to a little one too, just so you know. The look she gave me and the cry she made totally broke me. I have to give her another one in the next couple days too, which I am totally dreading, then take her stool to the lab for tests. The dr is not sure why she is not pooping on her own, but hopes that she will just start up soon. I hope so too because I really don't know how many more times I can shove those pills up her butt.

For the most part, things have been going pretty good. There are so many things I want to tell you about, like how breastfeeding is going, my new job, and Miss L's milestones. I will get to it all soon, I promise (I now have a computer cord (yay) so I can finally be on my computer!).